Gold, silver and precious metals are up, copper and lead are up, Bitcoin is on a tear, and I expect altcoins are as well. Covid immunity is spreading and increasing as well. Hopefully our government will realise the strength of the future, and stop wasting our money on useless vaccines, and use it to boost the economy. Full employment will do more for the nation's health, than injecting disease into people's arms.
Lets get working and earning - that will really start to save lives.
"economy" "economy" "economy"
seems your stuck caring only about the economy
you do realise that the economy can look after itself if politicians did their job right
i dont mean put peoples lives at risk by forcing them back to work.
i mean investing in hospital capacity to bring it back to 300k bed capacity it had pre millenium.. infact bring it to 400k bed capacity to come into alignment with todays populous..
then. guess what. lockdowns wouldnt be needed as much
i think your just angry that your job/retired hobby is as a scrap metal guy but no one is calling you up to pick up their scrap.
i imagine you as the steptoe & son kind of guy with a empty horse and carriage moaning at the world of how everyone else is to blame for your lack of income.
maybe try to diversify into a new business/revenue making oppertunity
because just rushing back to the same situation pre lockdown is just a circular scenario of the past repeating itself
for me its not a vaccine debate at all
if hospitals got more resources to take care of peoples needs when they need it. then there would be no issues
imagine it. people able to get a cancer scan/medical each year. instead of only a finger up the ass when they are 50-60. or get xrays yearly instead of only when they cough blood.. alot more cancers would get picked up earlier and treated better, more easily
imagine having more surgeons to do surgurys the same day. people wont have to hobble around for weeks
making their issues worse
imagine schools with a 1:15 teacher student ration.. = better education and less stress and less health contamination. thus less school closures during pandemics
but then there is you. wanting everyone to go back to work. knowing in a few months the cases will climb again and another lockdown will occur. because the initial problems are not solved