1. https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/flash101k-847937 [flash101k]
Based on merit shipping bpip, @ flash101k, made shipments in 2018.
Merit: https://bpip.org/smerit.aspx?from=flash101k
32 (sMerit), he has sent to the account above, there are some accounts that are permanently banned.
When viewed from the post @ flash101k history, he deleted nearly 80% and the remaining posts were locked posts, because he couldn't delete them and was quoted by people.
History of post:
Post: https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/flash101k-847937;sa=showPosts;start=60
And post at the end of April 2019.
Post: https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/flash101k-847937;sa=showPosts;start=0
So in my opinion Merit is obtained against @ flash101k accounts, since the Merit system was implemented.
Maybe he wants to eliminate traces of alt accounts.