Still, Marihuana is getting the green light in some many jurisdictions and people are getting so open minded about it that to me it seems ridiculous it is not already legalized in all the states of the Union.
Weird times now and weird time ahead, I guess.
-Joseph Van Name Ph.D.
P.S. A majority of the voters voted in favor of weed, but we needed 60% when we only got 56%. I think this is because some voters who wanted to vote YES on Amendment 3 were at home smoking weed instead of actually voting. And the sad thing is that 2024 spelt backwards is 420(2) which means that not only was my ballot magic, but the year is also magical, but we needed to transcend magic to supermagic to pass the amendment. And if you think that the operation of reversing the digits of a natural number is useless, you should look at things like p-adic numbers. In the 2-adic metric, the base 16 integers 1,2 are really quite far away from each other, but the integers B0000000000B and F0000000000B are very close to each other because when reverse the base 16 expansion, we get B0000000000B and B0000000000F which are off by only 4. I have also had a lot of fun reversing the binary expansion of integers for Laver table calculations so that I can make really cool fractal pictures that you can zoom into.