You will notice I am very clever in posting this request. I am asking for "this month's" BEST bitcoin list. So if you point me to another thread, I will ask whether or not this thread is current or not.
By "best bitcoin list" I mean:
- "best place to buy a bitcoin" - is it from an exchange or a private person?
- "best place to trade bitcoin" (is it MtGox? I've heard some good and bad, the bad being it's hard to get your money out)
- "best online wallet" - best in terms of user friendly interface, not security. I don't care too much about security (of course everybody will use some form of encryption) at this point since I, personally, don't intend to spend more on bitcoin than I can afford to lose, and for me that's about $1000 USD. It's just a hobby at this point. BTW why would you even use an online wallet? Just store your private keys offline, right? My guess is that if you want to trade bitcoins, like foreign currency, then you need to use an online wallet.
- "best way to send bitcoins to another user who is offline"--this is somebody who does not use an online wallet
- "best way to send bitcoins to another user who has an online wallet"--does every online wallet accept bitcoins sent from anybody, even if they don't have the same online wallet? I would think so.
- "best offline wallet" (is it just anything you can keep your private keys in? Even an encrypted Excel file? I will use Excel probably--the latest version is actually pretty secure when encrypted)
- "best place to trade bitcoins for fiat currencies"
- "best FAQ to explain bitcoins" (probably this site seems to me:
Thanks for your replies. I am still learning about bitcoin and have not yet bought my first coin. I am thinking of buying one--but where? Of storing one but where? online or offline? Of converting one into fiat currencies for profit, but what exchange? Also, I have dual citizenship including a non-US citizenship. Does it help buying and trading bitcoins if I'm not an American?