more research. team should answer some or all of the questions. Plan is weak with no direct use of coin.
Some Linkedin profile is down, even the CEO ones., this is our review in expert-coin.
Analysis of ICO SnapBots31.05.2018
SnapBots is a platform which enables its users to create their own Bots – learning, flexible AI systems based on blockchain algorithms which can be used in fraud detection, trading and investments, cyber security and HR & Talent Acquisition.
Bots will be bought on platform marketplace, trained in special environment (i.e. decentralized node), deployed into real data stream and upgraded when it will be need in this.
Beta launch will be performed in February 2019, full release – in March 2019.
Project has proven partnership with Israeli trading technology provider TradAir and possibly received investments from Almega Financial Group.
Business Plan
WP and website contains no business plan and brief information about tokenomics. 50% of all issued tokens are planning to sale during ICO and 28% will be sent to team and advisors with freeze on 12 months for preventing pump & dump on market.
30% of funds received will be used on product development and 25% on researches.
Marketing Strategy
Marketing strategy was not presented in WP and other documents.
SnapBots Team has realistic LinkedIn profiles, but the team looks incomplete without finance & investments persons. It contains mostly IT (i.e. blockchain) persons and marketing persons.
Advisors board members are from fields of legal, consulting and IT.
The Vision of the Market
WP contains only brief information of potential usage of Bots and global AI and big data market volumes.
Understanding of the Target Audience
According the WP, target audience of product are HR professionals, crypto-traders, real market investors, editors/managers of news services and big data analysts. No more information was presented – just description.
Competitive Advantage
Project looks unique and having no direct competitors. And looks that AI development on this platform will be less expensive than it is now.
Project strong sides: interesting and unique idea; possible invstments reseived and proven partnership with existing trading solutions provider.
Project weak sides: full absence of nosiness plan and market analysis; incomplete team of the project.
So our position is
Company Snap Innovation also linked to GrabMining which does MLM payout and receive back or fraudulence remarks on their social media pages.