
Topic: This year will be full of law suits against crypto ceo s (Read 31 times)

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As Anyone knows this year will be alot allegations against
Crypto ceo s.
Also people have detected that when Market was falling bear tokens did not activated.
If goverment want crypto indudtry to survive and keep people interested to get involved they should just recover all the funds so people Will be happy.
Now it's the time for USA to gain populatity it's the way for trump or Biden to win there is so many people who want to get things Solved for their way.

Anyways ftx ceo Are responseble fully about bear bull tokens the fact that bear did not activated it's serious matter.

Becouse alot traders now use bear bull tokens it's soon bigger then btc or gold or oil Market.
My friends all in bear bull business and ftx  have full liability to make sure we get fair share of profit.

I hope the FTX will refund losses for bear tokens holders i have missing about 3000$ and it's not small money for me my friends have a lot more and nobody don't leave it like that.

Anyways no matter who will refund losses it could be Even vladimir Putin or Joe Biden we dont care where the ftx or whoever Will pay USA goverment can sell oil and few weapons world wide and they can refund easy.

Anyways bear and bull tokens owners Are serious traders many of them trading serious ammount of money i hope the FTX team can understood If FTX dont have funds to pay us FTX can borrow money from rich friends.

Let's see now can the world can trust USA federals who Will make things like that traders Will be fully refunded.

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