
Topic: Thought I'd kick off with a corker as 1st impressions last and this is my 1st... (Read 306 times)

Activity: 1148
Merit: 1000
It's never had anything to do with money, money is just a convenient scapegoat for everything that's wrong with the world. Control begets control and control doesn't start with the government, it starts with each and every individual. Money is just an externalization of something more fundamental that has taken up home inside humans.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1012
OP, you sound like the perfect candidate to join a "Resource Based Economy" movement such as "The Venus Project". Here you go:

That said, I'll now share my opinions.

RBE people are either nuts or ignorant. Humans don't have a hivemind. Until we do, things like "The Venus Project" will never work.

Money-is-the-root-of-all-evil people are also either nuts or ignorant. Money simply facilitates trade. Although, fiat money, which is controlled by a select few to enrich themselves at the expense of the many, is shit. Real money (like Bitcoin) is lubrication for production and drastically increases the amount of decent things humanity can accomplish.

The reason the world sucks is a massive group of willfully stupid people are completely content to be fooled by a much smaller group of people who are looking to exploit them. If you opt yourself out of that system, and manage to avoid it to the best of your ability (completely avoiding it is impossible), life can be pretty satisfying. Bad shit will still happen, how you deal with it is the important part.

Education is the most important thing in this life. Learn as much as you can from every opportunity. We humans tend to learn by sticking our hand in the fire though, so be careful.

Good luck.
Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385

Finally coming to, as we all will, an inevitable end. BUT knowing in advance that when this day comes, I will RIP having lived a full life and leave behind a secure foundation for supporting such a lovely perfect way of life for my children and future generations.....blah blah blah.


A set of things that may help you and anyone to live healthier, longer.

Hormones are body regulators. They are generally made and regulated, themselves, by the pituitary gland. As the pituitary gets older, it becomes weaker. Pregnenolone is the master hormone you can supplement with. It converts into at least 99 other hormones in the body, on demand. It was rigorously tested in the 1950s. Google it. Some folks say, Don't take more than 10mg per day. Others say that as much as a gram a day won't hurt you.

HGH (the human growth hormone) is what determines the size that people grow to when they are children. In adults and elderly it can easily cause youthfulness. It is expensive. But one more-or-less secret is that L-arginine amino acid converts into HGH (among other things) in the pituitary gland, and helps the pituitary release the HGH it has. Personally I supplement with one rounded teaspoon of L-arginine powder daily, on average.

Twice I have mentioned the pituitary gland. One way to keep the pituitary gland youthful is to supplement with bovine pituitary extract products. Two pituitary gland products I supplement with are "Symbiotropin" (my favorite), and "Secretagogue Gold." Both of these products can help the pituitary gland do its job better.

One great nutritional product is Magnesium. Everyone is very familiar with calcium. Calcium helps the muscles contract. Magnesium helps the muscles relax again. There is evidence that a high calcium (Tums) low magnesium diet is responsible for heart attacks, because there isn't enough magnesium to allow the heart to relax after it contracts. Magnesium is advertised as a cramping relaxer, often for women with menstrual cramps... but works on leg cramps, as well. Too much magnesium may cause nose bleeds. Google it.

Depending on who you are, your system needs activation at times. Guarana is a product from Brazil that has a high amount of natural caffeine in it. Because it is natural, it doesn't work the same as an artificial caffeine product. Yet it gives you energy. Your body needs more energy as you grow older, just to live.

There is a little start for you. Check it all out before you jump into anything.

Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
^^^ Okay. Maybe we should start with this. Evolution is mathematically impossible, according to probability math, based on the way things work. One link can be found here - But if you Google it, you can find other links and explanations, as well... that show the same thing.

Activity: 4
Merit: 0
...and perusing the thread on money and work I feel really sad for us all. All man kind that is.... How conditioned and brainwashed we.....well at least I, have become...... Cry

Before I start however, I'd just like to say a big Hi to the Forum.

After my many trips around the sun, around the world and around the block (pardon the pun) I have along the way accepted or rejected, adopted or dismissed, taken seriously or ridiculed, tried or avoided an array of life beliefs, expectations, myths, sayings, best practices, advices, explanations, findings and so on.

Plainly speaking I like black and white. I do not take either side of anything. Left or right, good or bad, yes or no.

I am completely open minded and do not listen to rumours. I take things how I find them and always look from all possible angles.

My opinions are just that, my opinions. We are all entitled to our own opinions. At the risk of being singled out, banished, branded, mocked or praised I always stand by my own opinion. I will not be bought in this respect.

Enough of that ... I think you got it.

On this whole 'money for this' and 'value of that' and 'rewarded for hard work' and so on, I not only believe, but have proved for myself that I, just like the next person, would enjoy / welcome a better, even elevated standard of living. A happier easier existence. More comfort, health, confidence, peace of mind, free time.

'Financial freedom' comes to mind.

I'd love to move up a few notches, up from my current situation. Up the ladder of success. Less work more play / time with loved ones, less grey hair, a better environment all round, better food, nicer clothes.

Finally coming to, as we all will, an inevitable end. BUT knowing in advance that when this day comes, I will RIP having lived a full life and leave behind a secure foundation for supporting such a lovely perfect way of life for my children and future generations.....blah blah blah.

I would like to believe it is easy to achieve this and we all have a shot, but I don't. I do not believe it is anything like easy.

I do believe this....

There is enough to go round. Enough of everything. Land, resources, water, happiness, pokemon monsters.......

As a species we have evolved into an incredibly complex, amazing and gifted life form that is so far advanced we, unlike any other life form (that we currently know of), have taken stuff from our surroundings, stuff from on it, in it and above it (Earth if you didn't figure that out) and transformed stuff into space ships, computers, nano bots, pacemakers and electric light bulbs. Not forgetting the organic stuff too – antibiotics, medicines, artificial bionic limbs! We are also able to create artificial intelligence...with emotions too....We are just amazing. Each of us has their very own single most complex thing known to man in the whole known universe. Our brain.

Pardon the expletive coming up but I have to say f*ck me! WTF. OMG... and so on. Because.....

But we still kill each other. Steal from each other. Stand on top of one another, use each other. FOR WHAT!




Money - It doesn't make us happy or guarantee a life like I described earlier. I think we all know the score. Climb the ladder if you can. Big yourself up. There's absolutely nothing wrong with what we do and what we expect or aim for. What is wrong is that it is all a false unavoidable obstacle in the way of a better life for us all.

No one has the right to make others suffer or labour for their own gratification, pleasure or selfish indulgence.

No one one on this planet should lead such a shit existence that they have nothing. Not even hope. Not even happiness. No way out of a miserable, painful, fruitless nightmare of an existence. But hey, actually some accept that this is normal. By their reckoning not dying today is THE BEST.

I'm not even going to comment on the rest of us.....apart from this.

We live we work. We need and we go get. 2 holidays a year...maybe, 2.2 kids, a 4 year old car and half a Labrador. Dead at about 60 ish.....I think this about the average for average Joe.....but then only if you have a job and live in a developed country.....

You work for money to buy the things you need to live. You live better if you work harder or work smarter. Reward system.

We work and build, we make, we provide support services. We design / create things. We get paid money then even more money for good performance. Some of us really excel or bust a ball and so get slightly elevated to a higher standard of living.

Which ever way you look at it we work to make money to buy the stuff that we need to live. Right?

We then take that money and buy the very things we have just made. We pay for the services that we provide. The worst part is that  more often we cannot afford the things we need and have to borrow money to get them. Then we live a life of debt. While the 1% live a life that we cannot even imagine.

OK to the point you say.

We have enough technology, resources, knowledge, man power, imagination and intelligence to create machines, robots and automation to eliminate most labour intensive tasks that are necessary for production, building, farming and transporting etc.....We have the means, technology and resources to ensure that everyone on the planet has the essentials to live a comfortable life. Water, food, ipads, medicine, vaccines.

Free from need and scarcity (lack of MONEY), we could be free to live a life of discovery, leisure, enjoyment, learning, creation, experimentation, and exploration. Take away the need for money, eliminate motive, desperation, a huge % of all crimes.

What ever your skill or interest or objective you could be free to follow your dreams. Bearing in mind that the dreams no longer need to include winning the lottery or growing the company.

If you want something you simply get it. If you want to do something you do it. (of course rules and laws still have to be in place but upheld and enforced by everyone).

Money is a false god. Those who have loads of money feel like gods. We could all feel like gods if we took away money.

Take this as you, yes YOU find it. It's only my opinion and if I have upset anybody or made any comments you may have found offensive, unreasonable or annoying....tough shit.

Meanwhile, I gotta get a job...Mwuahahah

Feeding your thoughts,
Not A Politician, Not Nuts, Far from Extreme (ist) and Not Very Active (ist) Especially Not Before 10am on Sundays, Public Bank Holidays and All Other Days.
Live and Let Live and Love Thy Neighbour Unless He Runs off With Your Wife.
Bring on 'The Industrial Revolution' of the Information Age.
Enter the Robotics age.
Hail to the Blockchain, Our chain.

and Finally ...

Thank you for reading allllllll the way to the are legend.

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