
Topic: Thoughts on Cloudflare and denial of service attacks (Read 684 times)

Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
trowling noise

From the descriptions I read it was damage on a heartbleed scale. If a paid service like CF is being "required" to run a website that seems a little shady and soupy and they should feel bad.
copper member
Activity: 2926
Merit: 2348
Based on what is publicly known about "Cloudbleed" I think this is mostly a non-issue. From what I understand, there was roughly a 4 day period in which  for every web page a user visited, there was roughly a 1 in 3 million chance that some private information was leaked (assuming that every website a user accesses utilizes the services of CloudFlare), and there was a roughly 4 month period in which this risk was considerably less.

From what I can gather, if a user was accessing a webpage that was leaking private information, the information was leaked in a way so that it would not be shown to the user by default (it would only be shown if the user was looking at the page source), and would be deleted by default by most browsers once the user navigates to another webpage, so while the chances of having any private information leaked is low, the chances that said private information was deleted without being looked at is high. I can also gather that the specific information being leaked was random so that it was not possible for an attacker to specify what data they would receive -- the very large volume of very-low to no-value (to a person acting maliciously) data that would potentially be available would probably not make this an attractive way to mine private data as a zero-day attack (even though the bug bounty program of cloudflare rewards disclosures with tee-shirts, I would presume that cloudflare would be willing to pay for the responsible disclosure of this kind of bug).

It is my understanding that the risk of truly sensitive information (eg passwords) leaking was only when a user actually submitted their username/password to the website to login (or when other truly sensitive information was transmitted to a website). Things like authentication cookies can be easily revoked once websites were made aware that private data was being leaked.

The threat profile of this issue is significantly mitigated by the fact that Cloudflare was able to stop data from leaking ~instantly once they were made aware of the issue. I would not advise accessing a website with the knowledge that private information can leak this way, as if I know it can leak, then many other people have this same information who can potentially exploit this fact and mine private, sensitive information, however when looking backwards, with ~0 people knowing about the issue when it was active, I would say that the overall risk is low to the end user of someone to have actual knowledge of private information (either personally, or via an entry in a DB of leaked/stolen information).

In regards to Cloudflare in general, I believe they are simply responding to market demands, and are using an economy of scale to be able to provide their service very economically. I cannot fault them for doing either of these things.

In order to implement the solutions you suggested, a company will need to hire/contract a computer engineer who can fairly easily command a fee/salary of three figures per hour (or someone within the company with similar skills will need to spend their time implementing these solutions, that they could spend selling their services for a similar price). The cost of labor alone to setup and maintain your solutions will quickly exceed the cost of utilizing Cloudflare. This does not take into consideration the fact that Cloudflare has much more accountability for preventing, and closing security vulnerabilities than a privately hired engineer will have (provided that Cloudflare is setup properly) -- if Cloudflare allows security vulnerabilities within the scope of their services, then they will eventually go out of business, while a privately hired contractor can realistically only be fired by your company.

There are some things companies can do to prevent these cloudbleed-like vulnerabilities from affecting them. For example, they can invalidate sessions if a user's IP address changes, and setup a tor hidden service if they have decided they are willing to accept connections via tor. This would force tor users to acknowledge the risk/privacy tradeoff of using tor, and would protect non-tor users from having their session hijacked to the extent that the attacker is using a different IP address.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
This needs a bump.. interesting for sure.
And i knew you would not be a fan of the Cloudlfare captcha's  Cheesy

I was into web design back in the early 2000's and got into setting up PHP based web sites and forums.
I learned little bit of PHP but was not that good at it.
My point is after setting up a few sites and getting into "PHP Nuke"
I was then forever trapped in a patch cycle (usually SQL injection vulnerabilities)
Luckily i was able to rely on smart people to help..
The community would pass the word around when an exploit was found in the wild sharing a code fix.

What i realized is all of that was a HUGE pain in the ass and a large responsibility.
I guess i got tired of all that because it became heavily time consuming.
Automatically generated pages are great but i really loved old school basic HTML.

I think theymos here made the right decision by handling security himself.
You would need to gauge whether you think you are confident enough.

It's an informative topic though for sure.. this theymos guy is a thinker.. theymusings !
Activity: 5222
Merit: 13032
In discussions about the Cloudflare disaster, I've seen people saying that protecting against denial of service attacks without Cloudflare is basically impossible. While it is much more difficult, it's not impossible.

First of all, there's the major issue of sites giving their HTTPS keys to Cloudflare. One of the main reasons that Cloudflare needs to see into HTTPS is so they can detect application-level attacks, such as slow or large HTTP requests, SQL injections, etc. These sorts of attacks can all be fixed server-side, and furthermore Cloudflare cannot fix these attacks in general. Relying on Cloudflare to protect against all such attacks is really "security through obscurity", and will not stand up against a serious attacker. If you handle application-level attacks on your own, then security-wise, there's very little reason for Cloudflare to be able to see into HTTPS. They should be able to work purely at the TCP/IP level.

(Looking into HTTPS is also needed for caching at the DDoS-protection server, but for dynamic web applications, caching can't be used all that much anyway. Cloudflare also uses their ability to man-in-the-middle HTTPS connections in order to display a CAPTCHA, but I think that this is unbelievably annoying and unnecessary.)

Aside: Cloudflare offers a piece of software which they claim allows you to use their service without giving them your HTTPS key. While it allows you not to give them your key, the software sends each HTTPS session key to Cloudflare, allowing them to do pretty much everything they could do if they had the key. Maybe it's a little better than nothing, but it's mostly a false sense of security.

Where DDoS providers are really useful is against attacks at the network and transport layers. Assuming application-level attacks are already addressed, the two most powerful DDoS strategies are:

- TCP SYN and UDP floods, which work by overwhelming the server's ability to track and process connections at a software level.
- Traffic floods, which work by overwhelming the networking hardware either leading into the machine or upstream of the machine.

Most sites today will be taken down by even a small SYN or UDP flood. However, for attacks up to a moderate size, these attacks can be mitigated quite efficiently by blocking UDP somewhere upstream of the server (unsolicited UDP connections are unused by most servers) and having a SYNPROXY iptables setup on the server. If all sites did this and handled their application-level DoS attack vectors, then the common Cloudflare subscription types would be completely redundant, since Cloudflare will not protect against large attacks without a very expensive subscription anyway.

For large attacks, you need to handle it by:

- SYN/UDP floods: Have multiple SYNPROXY servers in front of the application server, or have several reverse proxy servers in front of the application server, or have multiple application servers which can be used in parallel. The main point of this is to filter out bad packets before they can clog up the application server, not really to cache or whatever.
- Traffic floods: Ensure that the complete path between the Internet and your outermost server(s) can handle the bandwidth of the attack. Oftentimes, some Ethernet switch just outside of your server will be the bottleneck. Again, having multiple outermost servers is beneficial because it splits up the attacker's traffic.

These large attacks are where you really want a DDoS-protection company; while it is completely possible to set up the above-mentioned protection against large attacks by yourself, it is expensive and difficult. And because the actually-dangerous attacks are at the network or transport layer, there's really no reason for the DDoS protection company to need to see into the underlying HTTPS traffic (though most of them want to do this anyway...). However, although there are many DDoS protection companies that can protect you from large DDoS attacks, they are very expensive; if you can get it for less than a few hundred dollars per month, then the DDoS protection company is probably lying about what you're actually getting.

The sub-$200/month Cloudflare subscription that most people use is a cheap magic bullet for driving off only the weakest attackers, while also selling your soul to Cloudflare.

If I was going to design something like Cloudflare, I'd have it do just two things:

1. Across all sites hosted on the service, I'd monitor the behavior of client IPs to classify IPs as "probably a real person", "probably an attacker", or "new/unknown". Based on these classifications, I'd apply rate-limits and blocks per IP address in order to help sites screen out abusive traffic. This sort of wide view of IP address behavior is something that a service-provider for many sites can do better than a single site.
2. While having a bunch of Internet-facing servers and super-high-capacity connections, I'd block UDP and handle the TCP handshake on behalf of the real server, only forwarding through TCP connections which complete the handshake. This increases latency somewhat, but probably not that badly, and it could activate only when a DoS attack seems to be actually happening. It could also take into consideration the IP address classifications of the previous point (but with the knowledge in mind that IP addresses might be fake before the TCP handshake completes).

This'd protect against DDoS attacks without significantly hurting security.

It's bad that DDoS attacks are something that needs to be worried about. It is especially bad for anonymity, since currently websites must be able to block IP addresses in order to protect against application-level DDoS attacks; IP addresses are the only scarce resource that attackers can be forced to burn through. If a site allows connections via Tor, then during a DDoS via the Tor network, all of Tor is going to need to be blocked in order to block the attacker. If a site allows connections via a Tor hidden service, then during a DDoS via the hidden service, the site is going to have to shut down the hidden service. By design, there's no way of distinguishing good Tor users from bad Tor users, so if serious abuse is coming via Tor, you just have to block Tor entirely.

This is a serious flaw in the Internet which needs to be fixed. One solution would be to add some sort of cost to packets and/or connections, such as a proof-of-work or micropayment. Ideally, proof-of-work would be added to IP packets and dropped by backbone routers if insufficient, though I'm not sure how you'd coordinate the correct PoW difficulty. Maybe you could have a minimal PoW difficulty checked by backbone routers and then a much larger PoW difficulty at the destination.

Concerning Tor and similar darknets, I also think that it would be useful to have an HTTP extension for expensive, long-term proofs-of-work. For example, maybe you'd have to work on the PoW for several hours before you could post on a Tor-based forum, but then you could reuse that PoW at any later time on that site. This way, there'd be some cost associated with people having their account/PoW banned for abusive behavior: they'd have to recompute the PoW. This would replace the currently-common mechanism of banning IP addresses, which is impossible on Tor hidden services.

I've also been thinking recently that the whole structure of the Internet may be largely incorrect. If the Internet was a distributed data store like Freenet instead of a point-to-point system, DoS attacks would be impossible unless you managed to attack the entire network as a whole. It'd also be much easier to achieve anonymity, since all low-latency point-to-point anonymity systems such as Tor are terribly weak to intersection and timing attacks, but these attacks don't really work in the distributed-data-store model.

I think that ~99% of things done on the Internet can, with work, be converted to the distributed data store model. Streaming content, static websites, and email are pretty easy. Dynamic Web applications like forums and Facebook-type sites can be done using static pages with fancy JavaScript applications which work within the distributed-data-store framework. (This would be quite a change in how people write web applications, though; there'd certainly be no way to quickly/easily translate some PHP code directly into the data-store model, for example.) The only thing that this model is not very good at is one-time one-to-few communication such as video/voice calling; for these few use-cases, the point-to-point model could still be used.
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