You can take a look at Minereum's source code, itself:
Minereum arbitrary created 3200000000000 tokens (for each of their genesis address) on line 27, and will "mine" 32000 tokens every Ethereum block until Ethereum block number 3597381; their mathematical formula for creating new tokens is just addition.
Minereum does talk about using their tokens to help other people create ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum, but.. why can't people just follow Ethereum's guide on ERC-20 tokens?
Sure, you can create your own Ethereum token without Minereum too.. But Minereum is the simple way everyone.. The fee for token creation with Minereum is 1MNE (approximately 7-8 $...) I have tried out, and it is working perfectly...
Due MNE is tradeble only on livecoin right now, the value and trading volume are very low at the moment... Dev has announed that MNE will hit bigger exchanges soon.. As soon MNE will go on bittrex or similar, the value will skyrocket with high probability...
If you go to compare MNE with other coins with the same supply, you will notice that the value is very deep right now...
or, here's an even easier way. download metamask to interact with smart contracts from your browser:
go to this site:
spend the gas ($0.01 in eth about) to make your own token.
minereum is garbage.