Sardasa @ BliiNk )I think( I'm working on getting your PayPal funds back.
I sure hope your working on it. Not holding my breath. Id rather have my BTC back than my paypal(you might just reverse that again).
It can still be charged back via credit card.
If that transaction was investigated by PayPal & released because it was authorised by the sender then how can they allow credit card company to reverse this transaction?
Would not they pay the seller from their own pocket if the seller is protected under their seller's protection program?
Banks generally don't care much about PayPal's investigations. As long as the dispute meets the CC issuer's requirements (very liberal for the most part) the payment will be reversed.
PayPal may cover it out of their pocket in some cases but I'm fairly certain this one wouldn't meet seller protection requirements. Seller protection requires a tracked shipment to a verified address.