When something like "
The metaverse will change everything!!!" is shouted on every corner, I have doubts. This technology certainly has potential, but it seems to me that all the praise is somewhat exaggerated.
Metaverse is a niche. I do not think it is comparable to the early days of the Internet.
I have exactly the same idea and it is unlikely that metaverse will repeat the success of the Internet. But the problem is that we can't know for sure and can only guess.
Metaverse could be successful considering I feel some kind of rise of anti-social behavior, but getting as big as the Internet's growth was is mostly impossible and, if it ever happens, would actually be sad since real life is seemingly becoming less and less important in peoples lives.
This trend was laid by the Internet, which is becoming more and more evident over time. Real life is increasingly receding into the background and in theory metaverse can greatly accelerate this. But for this, the technology must develop well, which will require additional time. Perhaps humanity still has time.
Also, I do not think there is going to be a 'majority' using it.
And here surprises are possible. If big companies like meta don't lose interest in this technology, then it is possible that, having developed, metaverse will just attract the majority. It is no coincidence that they spend millions in this niche.