Titan Coin (TTN) and DogeCoin (DOGE) are presently trending as two of the top internet payment currencies online. Yes, both of these are payment currencies or coins created with the purpose of sending/receiving money online.
At first glance, both TTN and DOGE may appear similar, as the basic purpose of both coins is the same – making payments online. However, there are many differences between the two, in terms of functionality, blockchain, market cap, coin price, etc. We will discuss the same here.
Titan Coin Vs DogeCoin
ConceptAs mentioned before, the basic concept of both coins is figuratively the same. Both are peer to peer currencies that can be used for sending money online. However, there are some minor differences.
For one, DogeCoin wants to make digital payments easy and convenient so that everyone can do it. Titan Coin is also very easy to use, but the main focus is on the security and speed of payment transactions.
Launch and PriceDogeCoin was launched in 2013 and has made its way to becoming one of the most popular coins on the internet. Titan Coin is still a relatively new cryptocurrency which was launched only recently and still has to build a reputation in the market. But the best thing is that the Titan Coin offers the same advantages of Doge at a fraction of the price. Being a new coin it is available at a very low price, but still offers high security, speed and convenience of digital money.
BlockchainTitan Coin utilizes a completely new, advanced blockchain technology based on Hybrid POW & dynamic POS for security and validation of transactions. It also uses SHA 256+ Groestl (Dual Algorithm) for protecting the data and transactions on its blockchain. This also reduces energy consumption and increases the speed of transaction verification in mining, making TTN a faster and affordable alternative.
Coin SupplyThere is no limit on the number of dogecoins that can ever be mined. As of today, there are already more than 120 billion dogecoins in circulation. On the contrary, the total supply of Titan Coin is limited to 5 billion, of which 893 million coins have already been mined as of now.
Here is a summarised analysis of Titan Coin Vs DogeCoin. (Data as of June 27, 2019)-
Data Source: coingecko.com
Both Titan Coin and Dogecoin are being traded on a number of popular exchanges. You can trade them for each other or with many other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, ETH, etc.
Start using Titan coin today by downloading Titan Wallet apps at
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