You can explain mining in laymen terms, don't just remove it, it is an important part of bitcoin.
It is a ledger what is confusing about that? I think you are trying to explain it in technical terms, don't. Explain it in layman terms, just don't remove it from the explanation it is an important part.
Again don't remove important parts mention that it can do this using cryptograhics just like secure browsing and e-commerce.
This is important don't leave it out. No one can control bitcoin, just equations. I rather have math than a man.
Please don't leave out Satoshi he is important person. He created this beautiful thing, don't ignore him. Explain his motivations for leaving they are very well known.
It is a new currency and uses the floating market hence just like you were going to Europe you would convert dollars to Euros. Just that this currency is better and used in all the world.
Why not? the forum is the largest community of bitcoiners and you can get complex questions answered or search for things you need.
Please don't listen to this guy, he is obviously trying to hide a lot of pieces that are important that would make people very confused. It would also leave a bad taste in their mouth and making it seem as a scam. Be honest that is the best way to attract new people.