You have been observed since the beginning of the Special Operation carried out by Russia, and one important thing I noticed is how you value the lives of your men. I watched your women protest the government/military efforts to send your children to die. I even saw young women (in my dream) weeping bitterly and angrily about their dead husbands and I felt the anger was directed at me for not doing something to prevent their deaths.
This is part of why I'm intervening with strong warning and short grace period to your leaders especially those in Kiev. They must Stop Hardening and Sending People's Children, Dads, etc, To Die for No Just Reason. If they refuse to obey then they will be made to lead the battle themselves from Kiev and in kiev... A battle without Russia's participation.
When the Head becomes infected and corrupted, the rest of the Body is subject to the corruption, but the body can still be saved with direct participation of a healthy & Superior Head, with the purpose of guiding the whole body according to the Will of the CREATOR; to save lives and prevent people from participating in unjust war that has resulted in large number deaths.
There is a short time given to you to make up your mind, after that, next is Liberation of Ukraine. This is the time to decide whether to be on the Right or Wrong side.This will be the LORD's battle in Ukraine to silent the enemy, and the Credit, Glory & Praise will go to HIM alone.... So , no one should attempt to rewrite history.
If Russia had not withdrawn from her strategic positions in Ukraine the deaths would have been avoided and the Special Operation would have been the quickest with little to no issues. But Russia was too focus on what the world says instead of doing what is right. If she had done what was right, no right thinking person would have opposed or questioned it. Those who blindly question it cannot fight and defeat what is good/right.
I'm giving your leaders the opportunity to surrender to the Will of the CREATOR of True Heaven and Earth before it's too late.
Be prepared to meet the LORD's Soldiers in Spirit and in Flesh/Physical, . I will advise you not to resist the CREATOR's Will for your own sake .
By the way, in regards to certain Ukraine regions becoming independent, or joining Russia... The question is, are you ready to hold unto the small rejoins and be ruled by them or just let them be? If they are more righteous than you, they will rule over you as the blind cannot guide the ones who see. Those who see clearer are typically more righteous and ought to be guiding the blind. I do not believe you are more righteous than the breakaway regions. Your head has been hijacked by satan. It needs to be rescued first. Besides, you can't be screaming Russia while you are determined to oppress the regions to the extent of denying them of their right to speak their Russia language in Ukraine.
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To Russia, and in regards to the Nord Stream Issue