Blackrock bring the tokenized assets you don't own anything only tokens it's better becouse then everybody can own everything.
But now they send real estate prices down then they make tokens like NFT of lands and property and put on market and token holders have rights to own but before this they reset economy to make crash all off course.
Im surprised that still people don't know that all ready.
All the world every physical objects even your dog will be tokenized and traded and sold on the crypto markets.
Step 1) Take something that has already existed for a very long time in different formats and stick "tokenized" in the title Step 2) Step 3) Profit. Meanwhile Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) have existed for decades already and mean that you can own a tiny piece of a property company by using this crazy thing called a stock market brokerage. These brokers will allow you to buy and sell "tokens" or shares in a company. You then refer to NFT's which we've already seen go through a massive boom and then implosion as most people realized they are meaningless garbage. Blackrock if they are selling such things are just trying to ride the hype wave on a short term trend to squeeze money out of fools who don't know any better.