I can't really help for that.
It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create Bitcointalksearch.org - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
// mcxNOW #######################################################################
function mcxNOW(currency){
// Fetch altcoin exchange data from mcxNOW
// Ex: "XPM" for last XPM price
// https://mcxnow.com/orders?cur=XPM
var mcx = fetchCached("https://mcxnow.com/orders?cur="+ currency )
var data1 = Xml.parse(mcx, true);
var doc = data1.doc
var lprice = data1.doc.lprice
var lastprice = data1.doc.lprice.getText()
return lastprice
// First, Add this to the list of variables:
var LTC_key = "" // LTC-Global Portfolio via JSON API key (read only)
// LTC-GLOBAL #######################################################################
function LTCsecurity(securityName){
// Fetch live security amount from litecoinglobal.com API
// https://litecoinglobal.com/api/act?key=InputYourApiKey
var r = fetchCached("https://litecoinglobal.com/api/act?key=" + LTC_key)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
if ('undefined' == typeof(r['securities'][securityName]))
return '0'
r = r['securities'][securityName]['quantity']
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Unkown Error!'
return r
function LTCbalance(){
// Fetch your account balance
// https://litecoinglobal.com/api/act?key=InputYourApiKey
var r = fetchCached("https://litecoinglobal.com/api/act?key=" + LTC_key)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r['balance']['LTC']
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return '0'
return r
function LTCasset(assetName,assetData){
// Fetch public asset ticker data
// Ex: "CIPHERMINE","7d_avg"
// https://litecoinglobal.com/api/ticker/CIPHERMINE
var r = fetchCached("https://litecoinglobal.com/api/ticker/" + assetName)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r[assetData]
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return '0'
return r
function LTCcontract(assetName,assetData){
// Fetch public asset contract data
// Ex: "CIPHERMINE","Shares Outstanding"
// https://litecoinglobal.com/api/assetContract/CIPHERMINE
var r = fetchCached("https://litecoinglobal.com/api/assetContract/" + assetName)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r[assetData]
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return '0'
return r
// Vircurex ##########################################################################
function LTCUSD(){
// Fetch Litecoin Price for 1 BTC from vircurex
var r = fetchCached("https://vircurex.com/api/get_highest_bid.json?base=BTC&alt=LTC")
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r['value']
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return '0'
return r
Blockchain.info | Bitcoin Address Balance |
MtGox | Weighted average, any currency |
BTCT.co | Ticker data, balance and portfolio data |
BitFunder | Ticker data, balance and portfolio data |
MPEx | Average trading prices |
Havelock Investments | Ticker data, balance and portfolio data |
// Namworld's JSON Portfolio Toolkit v0.5
// https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=140427.0
// Variables, set them up to use your account data functions
var BTCT_key = "YourReadOnlyApiKey" // BTCT.co Portfolio via JSON API key (read only)
var BF_key = "YourReadOnlyApiKey" // Bitfunder API Key (read only)
var Havelock_key = "YourReadOnlyApiKey" // Havelock Investment API key. Only give portfolio data permissions! Not orders or anything else.
var cacheTime = 120 // time to cache data in seconds
// Main fetch JSON data function
function fetchCached(url){ // fetch url from cache
var publicCache = CacheService.getPublicCache()
var cached = publicCache.get(url)
if (null == cached) { // If cache is null, fetch url
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url)
if ('undefined' != typeof(response)) {
var code = response.getResponseCode()
if (code == 200) {
cached = response.getContentText()
publicCache.put(url, cached, cacheTime)
return cached
function fetchCached_Havelock_Key(url,key){
var publicCache = CacheService.getPublicCache()
var cached = publicCache.get(url)
if (null == cached) { // If cache is null, fetch url
var payload = {"key": key};
var options = {"method" : "post","payload" : payload};
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options);
if ('undefined' != typeof(response)) {
var code = response.getResponseCode()
if (code == 200) {
cached = response.getContentText()
publicCache.put(url, cached, cacheTime)
return cached
// MtGox #########################################################################
function MtGoxCurrency(currency,data,datatype){
// Fetch currency data from MtGOX API
// Ex: =MtGoxCurrency("USD","avg","value") for weighted average
// https://mtgox.com/api/1/BTCUSD/ticker
var r = fetchCached("https://mtgox.com/api/1/BTC"+ currency +"/ticker")
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r['return'][data][datatype]
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 0
if (!isNaN(r)){r = r*1}
return r
// Blockchain.info ###############################################################
function BlockchainBalance(btcAddress){
// Fetch balance from Blockchain.info API
// EX: =BlockchainBalance("1Namjies9JeJ4ugCzjkAj6dbaWrtjAFKCk")
// http://blockchain.info/address/1dice9wVtrKZTBbAZqz1XiTmboYyvpD3t?format=json
var r = fetchCached("http://blockchain.info/address/" + btcAddress + "?format=json&limit=0")
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r['final_balance'] / 100000000
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 0
if (!isNaN(r)){r = r*1}
return r
// BTCT.co #######################################################################
function BTCTsecurity(assetName){
// Fetch live security amount from BTCT.co API
// Ex: =BTCTsecurity("BTC-BOND")
// https://btct.co/api/act?key=InputYourApiKey
var r = fetchCached("https://btct.co/api/act?key=" + BTCT_key)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
if ('undefined' == typeof(r['securities'][assetName]))
return 0
r = r['securities'][assetName]['quantity']
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Unkown Error!'
if (!isNaN(r)){r = r*1}
return r
function BTCTbalance(){
// Fetch your account balance
// EX: =BTCTbalance()
// https://btct.co/api/act?key=InputYourApiKey
var r = fetchCached("https://btct.co/api/act?key=" + BTCT_key)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r['balance']['BTC']
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 0
if (!isNaN(r)){r = r*1}
return r
function BTCTasset(assetName,assetData){
// Fetch public asset ticker data
// Ex: =BTCTasset("BTC-BOND","7d_avg")
// https://btct.co/api/ticker/BTC-BOND
var r = fetchCached("https://btct.co/api/ticker/" + assetName)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r[assetData]
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 0
if ('--' == r)
return 0
if (!isNaN(r)){r = r*1}
return r
function BTCTcontract(assetName,assetData){
// Fetch public asset contract data
// Ex: =BTCTcontract("BTC-BOND","Shares Outstanding")
// https://btct.co/api/assetContract/BTC-BOND
var r = fetchCached("https://btct.co/api/assetContract/" + assetName)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r[assetData]
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 0
if (!isNaN(r)){r = r*1}
return r
// Bitfunder.com #######################################################################
function BFasset(assetName, assetData){
// Fetch public asset data from Bitfunder's API
// Ex: =BFasset("BitPride","last_price")
// https://api.bitfunder.com/public/market
var r = fetchCached("https://api.bitfunder.com/public/market")
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r[assetName][assetData]
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 0
if (!isNaN(r)){r = r*1}
return r
function BFportfolio(assetName, assetData){
// Fetch live security amount from Bitfunder's API
// Ex: =BFportfolio("BitPride","amount")
// https://api.bitfunder.com/private/assets?key=InputYourApiKey
var r = fetchCached("https://api.bitfunder.com/private/assets?key=" + BF_key)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r["assets"][assetName][assetData]
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 0
if (!isNaN(r)){r = r*1}
return r
function BFbalance(){
// Fetch live security amount from Bitfunder's API
// Ex: =BFbalance()
// https://api.bitfunder.com/private/assets?key=InputYourApiKey
var r = fetchCached("https://api.bitfunder.com/private/balance?key=" + BF_key)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r["account_balance"]
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Unkown Error!'
r = r / 100000000
if (!isNaN(r)){r = r*1}
return r
// MPEx ##########################################################################
function MPEXaverage(MPSIC,period){
// Fetch public asset contract data
// Ex: =MPEXaverage("S.MPOE","1d")
// http://mpex.co/mpex-vwap.php
var r = fetchCached("http://mpex.co/mpex-vwap.php")
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r[MPSIC][period]["avg"] / 100000000
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 0
if (!isNaN(r)){r = r*1}
return r
// Havelock Investments ##########################################################################
function HavelockTicker(symbol,data){
// Fetch Havelock ticker
// Ex: "HIM","last"
// https://www.havelockinvestments.com/r/tickerfull
var r = fetchCached("https://www.havelockinvestments.com/r/tickerfull")
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r[symbol][data]
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 0
if (!isNaN(r)){r = r*1}
return r
function HavelockPeriod(symbol,period,data){
// Fetch Havelock averages and over a period data
// Ex: "HIM","30d","vwap"
// https://www.havelockinvestments.com/r/tickerfull
var r = fetchCached("https://www.havelockinvestments.com/r/tickerfull")
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r[symbol][period][data]
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 0
if (!isNaN(r)){r = r*1}
return r
function HavelockBalance(){
// Fetch your Havelock balance
// Available data : balance, balanceescrow, balanceavailable
var r = fetchCached_Havelock_Key("https://www.havelockinvestments.com/r/balance",Havelock_key)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r['balance']['balance']
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 0
if (!isNaN(r)){r = r*1}
return r
function HavelockPortfolio(symbol,data){
// Fetch your Havelock balance
// Ex: "HIM","quantity"
// Available data : symbol, name, quantity, quantityescrow, lastprice, bookvalue, marketvalue
// https://www.havelockinvestments.com/r/portfolio
var r = fetchCached_Havelock_Key("https://www.havelockinvestments.com/r/portfolio",Havelock_key)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'No data!'
r = Utilities.jsonParse(r)
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 'Malformed JSON!'
r = r['portfolio']
if (r == null){return 0}
for(var i=0;iif (r[i]['symbol'] == symbol) {r = r[i]}
r = r[data]
if ('undefined' == typeof(r))
return 0
if (!isNaN(r)){r = r*1}
return r