
Topic: Top 10 inexpensive food items that can PREVENT nearly every disease and disorder (Read 487 times)

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Top 10 inexpensive food items that can PREVENT nearly every disease and disorder

Nothing's more true than the old adage, "An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure." Not only does that ounce of prevention save you the nightmare of being sick, probably missing work and most likely accumulating medical bills, but that same "ounce" of prevention may only literally weigh an ounce and cost less than 15 bucks.

In America, people have been brainwashed by the medical industrial complex into believing that food can't prevent or cure anything, but just the opposite is true. In fact, there's a natural cure for every health ill under the sun, and the secret "recipe" involves taking a couple of 5 dollar bills out of your purse or wallet, buying the item, opening the package and putting the remedy in your mouth. It's a super simple process that seems too easy, and that's exactly why so many people fail to have the faith required to actually walk the walk, so they won't have to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars at doctor's offices and hospitals – those dreadful places where health problems often get much, much worse.

The best advice in the world is free, so get ready to get smart and stay healthy. Here are the top 10 most inexpensive food (and supplement) items that can prevent and usually heal nearly every disease and disorder known to mankind:

#1. Oil of oregano (most popular in capsules or tincture form): Nature's most reliable antibiotic (also anti-fungal and antibacterial) kills pollen allergies fast, helps with sinus problems and respiratory infections, and can defend against those "throwing up" viruses kids bring home from school. How? One of the active agents in oregano, rosmarinic acid, is a powerful antioxidant that supports immune power. One supplement helping of oil of oregano gives you the antioxidant punch of eating 42 apples! Oregano oil also has anti-inflammatory properties, because it contains beta-caryophyllin (E-BCP), which can be beneficial for people suffering from osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis and metabolic syndrome. So much for those expensive prescriptions! Ask your Naturopath.

#2. Licorice root (often sold in supplement capsule form): This natural remedy has a wonderful list of benefits, and may be the most often overlooked of all natural remedies. Got asthma, canker sores, coughs, or emphysema? Check out licorice root. Got heartburn, fungal infections or liver troubles? What about a sore throat, arthritis, or yeast infections? The glycyrrhizic acid in licorice root even helps with nervousness, anxiety and depression, by encouraging proper functioning of the adrenal glands.

#3. Hemp seeds and hemp seed oil: The oil from these seeds is amazing at promoting heart health and preventing heart disease and strokes, thanks to its three-to-one ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. It also nourishes hair, skin and nails. It can be used topically or mixed in your smoothies. It's got a nutty flavor that's rich in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which is amazing for cognitive function and eye health. Talk about Alzheimer's prevention! Plus, hemp seed oil is mercury free, unlike many fish oils.

#4. Coconut oil: Ever heard of oil pulling? Dentists won't mention it, unless they're holistic, because you won't be suffering any more cavities. Just swish a tablespoon of coconut oil around in your mouth for 10 minutes after brushing and flossing, and wave bye-bye to those cavities. Amazing for brain health and skin health, and even great for cooking, coconut oil is another great source of omega 3s and a defender against Alzheimer's and cancer. Trader Joe's brand tastes amazing and is quite inexpensive.


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