
Topic: Total beginners guide to pool mining Red Dwarf tribute coin DollarPounds (Read 1266 times)

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Here is a total beginners guide to pool mining Red Dwarf tribute coin DollarPounds.

DollarPounds are what is know as a Scrypt based cryptocurrency and are mined in the same way as Litecoin. If that has stumped you already don't worry read on....

First sign up for an account at a pool.  Currently our only pool is at  (more on the way)

After you have signed up click dashboard and scroll down to the DollarPound section.  Then click on the Manage Workers button,  where it says “Worker Label Extension” put anything here and then click “Add Worker”.  

You've now created a new worker. The worker will be called (YourPoolUsername.WorkerLabelExtension) for example my username is Kryten and I have worker 1.  so my worker username is “Kryten.1”  be careful as some pools only accept shares if the worker username is 100% correct and this is CaSe sensitive.  Just make sure what ever you called it you have made a note of this worker username and password.  The default worker password at is simply x.  

With me so far? Good.. I shall continue!

You will need 1 worker for each computer you have running (regardless of how many graphics cards you have in the machine).  For the guide we will use the worker example “user.1”

You will need a decent GPU to mine it. Nvidia cards work but I personally would not bother unless you have a decent ATI/amd card that is fairly beefy (mid to high range) from the HD5XXX HD6XXX or the most recent HD7XXX series. Anything from a HD5770 upwards will make you a fair few coins. make sure you have installed the latest beta drivers from AMD and find the SDK drivers that are also available there.

SDK for 32bit machines. (vista, Windows 7 and Windows Cool
SDK for 64bit machines. (vista, Windows 7 and Windows Cool
Latest beta driver 32/64bit Vista, W7 & W8

now that your divers are sorted and you have signed up for a pool, you will need to choose a mining program.  Most newbies will often go for a GUI miner or one with a graphical user interface.  While this may be easier to grasp at first for a beginner,  you will probably encounter less issues by using CGMINER.   Most people will agree on this.....  That once you get over the command line interface you will have less problems going forward in my opinion.

OK so I will show you how easy CGminer really is... but first download the software.

You can download the latest version here

and the official thread is here.

Ok so now you have downloaded cgminer, create a new folder called anything, and extract the files there. Then before you run it you need to make a batch file so that cgminer works with scrypt type coins.  

Batch files are the simplest files to make, so if you have never made one before,  don't stress, it's simple.  To make a batch file open up notepad and write or copy/paste the following text.
color 65
cgminer.exe --scrypt -o -u user.1 -p x

You will need to replace user.1 with the username for your worker. And replace the password “x” (if it's different).  By default the password will be x so you probably will not need to change it.  

When you have written the file and altered it, save it but call it for example “mine.bat”.  Before you click save make sure you have clicked the drop down menu “save as type” and choose “all files”.

You want to save this as “mine.bat” not “mine.txt” or “mine.bat.txt”.  When you have done that move the batch file to the folder where you extracted Cgminer.  And double click it.  

You should get the following screen.  The color is blue on red,  you can change this buy changing the 2 digit number in the batch file.

Each accepted share is the pool confirming your contribution. Not all shares are paid but in most cases approx 95% will be valid.  After it's been running for an hour or so, check back at your pool and see your stats.

Good Luck and hope to see some new Red Dwarf fans mining.  
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