Cryptonomos’ official position on many of you know, over the course of this summer Cryptonomos conducted a successful WTT token launch for our client the Giga Watt project. The purpose of the WTT token launch was to offer WTT token holders access to both the exciting new world of technology and the industrial-capacity cryptocurrency mining facility at highly attractive rates.
Unfortunately, recently we received very disturbing news: A new project emerged on the market, which, sadly and infuriatingly, copied Giga Watt’s model. We believe that fair competition is good for the industry, so just the fact that they copied the business model would’ve been OK. However, the new entity did not play fair: They lifted, verbatim, the Giga Watt’s entire White Paper and the text from its the website, including all the diagrams, proprietary designs, pricing structures, industry descriptions, and even team members’ unique work experience. Surprisingly, they did go through the trouble of changing the names and the locations. The rest of the project information remained largely unchanged.
We have alerted our attorneys to this development, and they are contemplating the best course of action.
In the meantime, we would like to caution our clients and the market at large that these people are thieves and frauds. In addition to inviting you to check out and compare both White Papers, we can present the following evidence: