Illuminati are the CFR today (, Same as the knights of malta are the IMF (all the loans in europe come from these people - , that's why the name illuminatti means nothing now apart from they were formed in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. These are just unarguable facts.
But the illuminati is not what i am talking about, The lack of replys to this show how little any of you know/care about your childrens futures. Prefer to live in your bubbles of false security. I suppose it's a small step of their plans though (Georgian stones -
40% of the worlds GDP and you KNOW NOTHING!
Don't come crying when i say 'I TOLD YOU SO!'
Sad, Ignorance allows for all this to happen, And we are ALL to blame for allowing a few (0.00001%) to manipulate it all through centralisation. THats why bitcoin protocol (not currency) is interesting but you have all let it get centralised by KNC, China Farms, Using exchanges & valuing it from the exchanges! Fucking moronic! But again, Most people are controlled by greed and vanity so i didnt expect anything different really.
The likes of Amir Taki get shunned when they see the real value. People want quick and easy or nothing. You want me give the answers to what i say and show you but it just isnt that simple. The information is in the details, ALWAYS!
BTC Dead before it's even got out of BETA because of people centralising it lol. So so sad
And yes, Hell is a place on earth, or heaven, Our choices decide that and we have chosen false security over freedom! We forgotten how to be human and empathy is at an all time low! Of cause, Social engineering has steered us, Did we really have a chance?
Me? I'm Zen, and merrily marching into hell!