Very good your indication about BabyPips, I'll definitely look at it as soon as I finish answering. Yes, of course, as my old grandmother says, practice and knowledge bring perfection .. LOL ..
More then, I've been talking about other bots on this topic, of course I will not get close to them until I really know what I'm doing and how I'm dealing with the market, but I've read it not once, In many cases that the use of Bot's can bring profit, if you know how to act and how to mount a strategy logically based on market experiences, I believe this is not a lie, because the bot will not do anything alone correct? It will only reflect my strategy but in an automated way, and let's say it has 1 point more that would not handle the emotion, but there is the bad side that is not being a "THINKING BEING" ie not having the Ability to generate reasoning .. But if you execute a good strategy and if you have a follow-up, it can be a very useful tool ..
But I got the notion that I'm really a newbie in this business. And I will never use a bot without even knowing how to do negotiations manually ..
I greatly appreciate your help, your opinion and feel free to leave more ideas and opinions! Thank you so much !