Java - NOT JavaScript
OverviewAre you thinking of learning Java? That's good. Java is the most commonly used and present programming language. It's present in every Android, every Mac purchased from 2012 onwards, and almost every Windows. Many local programs
require Java to run. In fact, if you took Java away from Android, you would just have a piece of cold hardware sitting in your bedroom. Java is the basis of almost every program.
Java has been around since 1995. In those days, they didn't have computers like ours. In fact, I checked up one fact - my Samsung Galaxy S5 is more powerful than the room-sized computers they used to run Java, back then! Imagine that: technology has come this long way and yet so few people know how to utilize it.
Java is a useful language, you can use it for
Minecraft, and other popular platforms. With the training I provide, you should be able to program for all three of the platforms just listed.
What You'll LearnBy the end of the course you and I will have gone through the following items:
- How to make a basic Java program
- How to make a basic Android app
- Examples of Java with source code - and insight as to how they work
Little Bit About MeRight now I work as a professional freelancer, but in about a year's time I will be creating a company to work under. I've programmed for just over 5 years, and to be completely honest, it actually started when I went to the local library and picked up a book on Java. From there, I taught myself the nuances of Java and now I'm proficient in its workings.
If you have questions about
not this course, please PM me at any time. I'm highly interested in Bitcoin right now, so I'm roving about different sections of this forum.
If you don't want to learn it yourself, you can also get an Android app for 0.4 BTC here.PricingI like Java, and the rewards of seeing someone learn Java are high - mostly a good, satisfying feeling. BUT that doesn't mean you get it free...
Introduction to Java - 0.5
BTCDelving into Java (requires Introduction to Java or prior basic Java knowledge) - 1
BTCPaymentHalf of payment must be made upfront!1) Half of payment is made to
2) Contact me via PM with the following information:
Transaction ID:
3) I will reply with a confirmation, then we can arrange when to start our first lesson. Lessons will be provided by chat and visual aids.
The second half of payment can be made any time from the start of our... training all the way till the end, but should be paid up by the end.
EscrowIf both you and I trust the escrow, then I'm fine with escrow. Please note that whatever the escrow, half of payment must be made upfront, when we start the course. Without half the payment, I will not risk wasting my time talking to someone who will never pay.