Your wallet seems to believe that it has received two payments in the past that it thinks haven't been spent yet.
The first was:
Transaction ID dd7782618b7db9cd7f093f4d77660726436f8774ff2c37b7b01567287eb64e4f where it received 0.085 BTC at address 15MmNq226DyN3W8YmChJBvebRaRCWg6qvY from address 1AFTLpu3Dagva2ss6YBHyVEUw54L2Nj7DN on 2013-11-11 at approximately 18:27 UTC (you'll have to convert to your own timezone to know when the transaction occurred).
This payment has already been spent on 2013-11-14 at to address 1Pm55EBaAD3wjz2j2kjTNJcraNZMwJTU9X in transaction ID 98d7037e7f92921e3b5ef2989e24efa106d1f5cea651460fc02767ca4523034b, but for some reason this wallet appears to be unaware of that. Therefore the wallet is still showing this 0.085 BTC as part of your balance and attempting to double-spend it in the transaction that you are asking about.
If you aren't aware of sending 0.0849 BTC to address 1Pm55EBaAD3wjz2j2kjTNJcraNZMwJTU9X at that time, then it is possible that someone got access to your private key and stole these bitcoins.
The second was:
Transaction ID 03aee544260000db6f10e415e9d2dc03bcc3fe8d308297f06006a9dda59d8db5 where it received at least 0.64549155 (and possibly a bit more). This transaction does not appear to exist in the blockchain or on the bitcoin network at all. Either it is a transaction that your wallet created and was unable to broadcast, or it is a transaction that someone else sent to you, which never confirmed and is no longer being broadcast by them.
To determine where this nonexistent transaction came from, we'll have to analyze it and see if you recognize any of the details. Please now run
So we can see what transaction this is, where it came from, and when it showed up in your wallet. If it is a corrupted transaction created by your wallet, we can try deleting it from your wallet to free up the bitcoins. If it is a transaction you received from someone else that they are no longer broadcasting, then we can see if you recognize whom and you can contact them and ask them to re-send it.