I've been using https://www.viabtc.com/tools/txaccelerator/ every time I get a low fee payment.
This time when trying to use it apparently my transaction does not exist.
What could be causing this ?
The transaction is: https://blockchain.info/tx/b2ce2d6b3aaea3a1c03f9ca6c9e28a2a5c0c444ef74ab684aa326103bb4b66cc
Help would be appreciated!
Your transaction's inputs come from a previous transaction that's not yet confirmed. Until that gets confirmed the viabtc accelerator probably won't accept your transaction. The top link shows your transaction, and the bottom link shows the other transaction that needs confirming first. I accelerated that one for you, then accelerated the other. You don't need to do anything more besides wait for viabtc to mine a block now.
Oh, that makes perfect sense!
Truly extremely appreciated, thank you for your help!