
Topic: Transaction not in Blockchain (Read 288 times)

hero member
Activity: 1232
Merit: 738
Mixing reinvented for your privacy |
December 26, 2017, 07:55:21 PM
i have sent a Transaction (0.027 Bitcoins) with Bitcoin Core Wallet to and the status is unconfirmed for since yesterday. The Transaction is not in the Blockchain.
You sent with way too low fees, 1Sat/Byte, this transaction is going to be stucked for a good while.
You either have to double-spend or attempt a child-pays-for-parent to get it going.

You mentioned Bitcoin Core Wallet as your wallet. I suggest you just simply try double spend tx like kahc said.
First, abandon your unconfirmed transaction, it should return all inputs as unspent in your wallet.
If that doesn't work, you can try -zapwallettxes but make sure you backup your wallet just to be safe.
You can now send again with higher fee, and also make sure no dust change (16yNpHNKg... 0.00002544) like last time
if the left over was so small (dust), it is best to just add it to the tx fee Wink
Activity: 350
Merit: 13
December 26, 2017, 05:21:36 PM
How can i double-spent or attemt a child-pays-for-parent?

Based on the amount of unconfirmed transactions in mempool right now.
To successfully attempt a Child-Pays-For-Parent, you will need at least 1241Sat/byte on the child transaction. So an additional minimum 0.00238272BTC fee and both parent and child should be covered.

This equals to 149Sat/Byte divided between the parent and child transactions. I will say this is the minimum fee to be picked up by a miner within 144 blocks.

However cheaper solution will be to double-spend.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1427
December 26, 2017, 01:11:32 PM
How can i double-spent or attemt a child-pays-for-parent?

You can do a child pays for parent by using the private keys from the receiving adress of the unconfirmed transaction to make another transaction, spending the output of the (still) unconfirmed transaction.

I'd recommend at least using 2x the amount of fees.

This way miners need to mine the first transaction if you they want to get the high fees from the second transaction.

Double spending is sending the same output to another adress.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
December 26, 2017, 12:01:50 PM
How can i double-spent or attemt a child-pays-for-parent?
Activity: 350
Merit: 13
December 23, 2017, 02:55:08 PM

i have sent a Transaction (0.027 Bitcoins) with Bitcoin Core Wallet to and the status is unconfirmed for since yesterday. The Transaction is not in the Blockchain.

Where are the Coins when they are not in Blockchain and in my Wallet too.  Cry

Who can help me?

You sent with way too low fees, 1Sat/Byte, this transaction is going to be stucked for a good while.
You either have to double-spend or attempt a child-pays-for-parent to get it going.
sr. member
Activity: 1218
Merit: 410
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December 23, 2017, 10:13:53 AM
Can i edit the Fee?
i think yes, its called replace by fee or RBF. But i dont know how to use it so, maybe you can try to google it.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
December 23, 2017, 09:44:39 AM
Can i edit the Fee?
sr. member
Activity: 1218
Merit: 410
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December 23, 2017, 07:51:50 AM
how much?
Can i try this too?
Where can i rebroadcast?
You can try on this site

you must write it correctly without space. So, you must delete all space on that code
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
December 23, 2017, 07:25:19 AM
how much?
Can i try this too?
Where can i rebroadcast?
sr. member
Activity: 1218
Merit: 410
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December 23, 2017, 06:46:06 AM
i think yes, but when i try to rebroadcast it. It said
Validation Error: Insufficient fee. Please try again with a higher fee.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
December 23, 2017, 06:34:48 AM
Is this the rawtx?

02000000093585cb0f624bd46ce52f21a217d5c79207e6d4f6667820fc82b504cd1833ec5f62020 0006b483045022100fc995ad6ecc295cdff35e401b0e8c7813d30e898524cd31770a1530d2dfaf9 7d0220784fed547223fe24c891f58ea98244c7a940443266705b269a2fedf55ed4c097012102642 a685ef8707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fafeffffff68a133b6be 582e7bfb5b4aa877400fce2d3f36d146f109517565e6767a3e6d73500200006b483045022100f84 f6057ccca2ae97e590493575b879ca39caeaa5895914c1865064b7627c3e10220697bbd86024457 eb08958fe670b59115f6e642f66f83707eefe48ea26ed5f054012102642a685ef8707b9801106c6 771c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fafeffffff801d1f06b5da9e15c2a5cfa071f6f8 6d2677f4788fb44592753059fa3818c08ec20800006b483045022100b351a3691aae6dfaeae90df e030709b007401339d28c35ce87981598f830125c02202b189a040e3711b4f26b0c1816db644552 d13dddb367a09d7ecbc71d8e4ddfc0012102642a685ef8707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9 ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fafeffffff94bc4ba353cce70e2348b48587c06b695603c4cdbb9eb71f28 31943e00da56fab00900006b483045022100d602c51b3572f654fb66ee0c0d77d7a9faaa7e70b54 11c18b94f37146d30103402207a3363d04ac1e124a7ff78b49081fdb20d3a81e86d5dd937876728 50a2460a3a012102642a685ef8707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151f afeffffffa436e704aadd448a7e32ae4e3de2e6a1a334588d2a49d37b50fbb330de909f07120900 006b483045022100db0dc3e15cf420c5b7a2433945e582a109dbdc6ab4e280f17490e865f852b56 402206ad8f844eb7d9360d3f040a8899ec92da3c2825940990df84502c3d28351c821012102642a 685ef8707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fafeffffffc66ea36c30d 175e0d87d26185870c264f04292baabb68d7934160c57cb8072cda50200006a4730440220688119 e6e8144e1ed1b62f37a5cb33d24de89332e48e8a6b5860043dcf3fb78e02202629751e16ada815e 24d87631fa327bcfdbd4a0696784dd4528510fa54e48f13012102642a685ef8707b9801106c6771 c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fafeffffffcda6929a1445ef7c9d60363482ed7a043 023e62bd95d3ead0f43ba7258b40ece6a0200006b483045022100a0621db614365b5af62e5e4064 97dd804d3374b39eb504b5f0f4ea80091ccb9802206bbdcb5f7812fe644560642e383110434ce62 4a9a180e2927bdea7d33676e6ce012102642a685ef8707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9ddf 0dc0d35a8bd45151fafefffffff8cc7010e6b4ff07410e926fb198525d2153a2fd9ac1929296407 3b3ac86486ae60800006b483045022100ea1bfecdf992092d2b9371b7ae62b4f3150b55b29cba97 0e9eedc89c38d8b21e02203aa6e5dcb90917484daafed09fbf75a6c2a9119bc49d552fc2f96c1ce 0f9336b012102642a685ef8707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fafe fffffffe42de31d6d53312354d3a21b5285fc40da411a3a9498c65b0fd7aad70847c45e00800006 a47304402206e91530e8ec79a82dd6f6e3f2a0a160dec1f42eef36d6ef1fae12a2a2c4795770220 71e116308ed70df5815140d112ded9dd7440cd7249b128a579a22f9ee57b017e012102642a685ef 8707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fafeffffff02e0322900000000 001976a914fb97c2170c8becff2033639d16f92effa54c676988acf0090000000000001976a9144 18222195ec4f4dad8e7cb05887fa37457afc6af88aca7a20700
sr. member
Activity: 1218
Merit: 410
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December 23, 2017, 04:56:12 AM
hmm.. i dont think thats the rawtx on hex format. because usually it will looks like this

edit: are you sure you use the right command?
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
December 23, 2017, 04:39:34 AM
         "script":"483045022100fc995ad6ecc295cdff35e401b0e8c7813d30e898524cd31770a1530d2dfaf97d022 0784fed547223fe24c891f58ea98244c7a940443266705b269a2fedf55ed4c097012102642a685e f8707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fa"
         "script":"483045022100f84f6057ccca2ae97e590493575b879ca39caeaa5895914c1865064b7627c3e1022 0697bbd86024457eb08958fe670b59115f6e642f66f83707eefe48ea26ed5f054012102642a685e f8707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fa"
         "script":"483045022100b351a3691aae6dfaeae90dfe030709b007401339d28c35ce87981598f830125c022 02b189a040e3711b4f26b0c1816db644552d13dddb367a09d7ecbc71d8e4ddfc0012102642a685e f8707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fa"
         "script":"483045022100d602c51b3572f654fb66ee0c0d77d7a9faaa7e70b5411c18b94f37146d301034022 07a3363d04ac1e124a7ff78b49081fdb20d3a81e86d5dd93787672850a2460a3a012102642a685e f8707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fa"
         "script":"483045022100db0dc3e15cf420c5b7a2433945e582a109dbdc6ab4e280f17490e865f852b564022 06ad8f844eb7d9360d3f040a8899ec92da3c2825940990df84502c3d28351c821012102642a685e f8707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fa"
         "script":"4730440220688119e6e8144e1ed1b62f37a5cb33d24de89332e48e8a6b5860043dcf3fb78e02202 629751e16ada815e24d87631fa327bcfdbd4a0696784dd4528510fa54e48f13012102642a685ef8 707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fa"
         "script":"483045022100a0621db614365b5af62e5e406497dd804d3374b39eb504b5f0f4ea80091ccb98022 06bbdcb5f7812fe644560642e383110434ce624a9a180e2927bdea7d33676e6ce012102642a685e f8707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fa"
         "script":"483045022100ea1bfecdf992092d2b9371b7ae62b4f3150b55b29cba970e9eedc89c38d8b21e022 03aa6e5dcb90917484daafed09fbf75a6c2a9119bc49d552fc2f96c1ce0f9336b012102642a685e f8707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fa"
         "script":"47304402206e91530e8ec79a82dd6f6e3f2a0a160dec1f42eef36d6ef1fae12a2a2c47957702207 1e116308ed70df5815140d112ded9dd7440cd7249b128a579a22f9ee57b017e012102642a685ef8 707b9801106c6771c39798d8524931db9ddf0dc0d35a8bd45151fa"
         "script_string":"OP_DUP OP_HASH160 fb97c2170c8becff2033639d16f92effa54c6769 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
         "script_string":"OP_DUP OP_HASH160 418222195ec4f4dad8e7cb05887fa37457afc6af OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",

This code?
sr. member
Activity: 1218
Merit: 410
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December 22, 2017, 09:09:21 PM
The Transaction ID is:

hmm i cant get your rawtx, i just notice you use bitcoin core. You can use this on bitcoin core
bitcoin-cli getrawtransaction

after you get code, you can use . Paste your raw transaction in hex code on there. It will rebroadcast your transaction.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
December 22, 2017, 03:47:41 PM
The Transaction ID is:

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1427
December 22, 2017, 12:04:32 PM

i have sent a Transaction (0.027 Bitcoins) with Bitcoin Core Wallet to and the status is unconfirmed for since yesterday. The Transaction is not in the Blockchain.

Where are the Coins when they are not in Blockchain and in my Wallet too.  Cry

Who can help me?

If the coins are being sent out in a transaction ( broadcasted ), they still belong to you, until the transaction is confirmed.

You can decide to stop broadcasting the transaction, and they should return to your wallet after sometime ( if the transaction doesn't get confirmed within that timeframe ofcourse.).

Most wallets will display the coins as "gone", even when the TX is stil unconfirmed.

status is unconfirmed for since yesterday

To get your transaction confirmed faster, you could choose to use a tx accelerator such as, although i'm pretty sure these are being flooded with requests. ( And i'm not even sure if they work at all.)
sr. member
Activity: 1218
Merit: 410
Secure your crypto :
December 22, 2017, 12:04:09 PM
did you still have your txid ? If yes can you paste it? I already try on another block explorer and looks like the coin is back to your address. because in blockchain final balance, its show same amount as your total received.
Total Received   0.03164571 BTC   
Final Balance   0.03164571 BTC

edit : i can try to rebroadcast it, so your transaction will show again on blockchain
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
December 22, 2017, 11:44:08 AM

i have sent a Transaction (0.027 Bitcoins) with Bitcoin Core Wallet to and the status is unconfirmed for since yesterday. The Transaction is not in the Blockchain.

Where are the Coins when they are not in Blockchain and in my Wallet too.  Cry

Who can help me?
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