No. No they wouldn't. Total hashing power rose 10%, the time between blocks will fall ~10%, not "a lot faster".
In your "example" there were 2TH/s and then there were 2.2TH/s. Hashing power rose 10% the time between blocks will be reduced on average by ~10%. The number of actual miners is utterly irrelevant. 2TH/s is 2TH/s and 2.2TH/s is 10% more regardless of who or what is doing the hashing. It doesn't matter if it is a single 2TH/s miner, 20,000 GPU miners, all miners in one pool, or all miners solo mining. The only thing that matters is the change in global network hashrate.
Do you have ANY (as in even the most basic high level concepts) understanding of how the Bitcoin protocol works? If not then why why for the love of God why do you continually try to "educate" others with your ignorance?