From the list of commands [1] it looks like getaddresshistory 1LxL6d5PBL4DXh3ZJjCA7QsJno4g6CLUo5 should do the trick.
getaddressunspent addr. might also work. Both query the blockchain (see source further down).
can you explain to me how to run the command?
the final amount on blockchain does match what I have in balance in my wallet
Disclaimer I use Electrum for Litecoin, but so far the menus etc. worked the same:
Start Electrum -> wait for Network dot to turn green -> switch to "Console" -> getaddresshistory("LR2K1kiT26X8StzCtWPndtf9KwutZWtYoZ") replace the LTC address with your own -> getaddresshistory("1LxL6d5PBL4DXh3ZJjCA7QsJno4g6CLUo5") -> hit enter
it will show you a (long) array with your TX and should (at least thats my theory here) update your history as well.