Hello, I hope this is the correct place to ask this question. I'm using the latest Litecoin Core v0.18.1 to create my own coin. So far in my testings, I stumbled on the dreaded stuck transactions problem. The mempool is nearly empty:
"size": 4,
"bytes": 1080,
"usage": 4368,
"maxmempool": 300000000,
"mempoolminfee": 0.00001000,
"minrelaytxfee": 0.00001000
As you can see, the minfee is 0.00001000, but when I send coins with a fee of 0.00083000, for example, it gets stuck forever, consequently locking up the funds and the change address (cause it gets stuck with 0 confirmations).
Status: 0/unconfirmed, in memory pool
Date: 16/05/2021 12:36
To: SQfKWw5DJ4MakrByMAM26177Uqf9udm5XE
Debit: -10.00000000 LTC
Transaction fee: -0.00083000 LTC
Net amount: -10.00083000 LTC
Transaction ID: 6f8302298238126f96be3a3d21fd96f645f89347ad95a089c18208cbc43dedb2
Transaction total size: 247 bytes
Transaction virtual size: 166 bytes
Output index: 0
Sending coins with a 0.001 fee (or more) goes through without a problem.
This is annoying, because legacy addresses (with the highest fees) are fine for transfers, but transfering from p2sh-segwit or bech32 always get stuck, because their calculated fees are lower than legacy.
Also, since the mempool isn't full at all and there's no network congestion, shouldn't those low fee transactions be processed promptly? At least that's what I understood from the documentation
Any help would be appreciated.