1 transacton fee(if there is) belongs to pool operators( acturally the block creater, most are pool operators) is that true?
In most pools, yes, the pool operator keeps the transaction fees. There is at least one small pool that distributes the transaction fees to the miners.
2 how can pool operators determine labors who just submit share hash done no result found , without any calculation?
There is a difference between a Share and a GetWork. You don't "complete" working on a Share, you
find a share (a hash of the block header that meets difficulty >= 1) within the space of the GetWork. Most of the time, you don't even bother to finish looking through the entirety of the GetWork solution space, you just request a new GetWork every once in a while.
Pools count the number of solutions of difficulty >= 1 that you found. That is proof that you have been doing work. One of those solutions might also be a full solution that exceeds the current real difficulty.
And the pool does confirm that all shares that are submitted are valid.