i'm afraid your funds may have been lost (although there may be a way of recovering them which i will explain at the end).
Bitcoin and Litecoin are two different cryptocurrencies which means they are running on completely separate networks. sending coins on one chain (LTC chain) doesn't mean your coins will go to another chain (BTC chain).
if you want to sent LTC to BTC you need to convert LTC to BTC or in other words sell LTC to get BTC on an exchange website.
if you search a bitcoin block explorer you can see that your transaction does not exist there because of what i said. but if you check an LTC block explorer you can see the transaction:
https://live.blockcypher.com/ltc/tx/32b8633dcf7aca4cc622429fc36b7871902659fe98524762beadb3c6d043e5ac/the way to recover can be this:
i am assuming you have the bitcoin address and its private keys.
you need to take that private key and convert it to litecoin private key (these two crypto currencies are very similar so you are lucky there). and then import that private key into your electrum-ltc wallet and recover the funds.
if the 35ALptqe.... is the address i'm afraid i am not familiar with multisig keys but maybe someone else can help you.