
Topic: \Trent\Faythe: I\O Peer-to-Peer Financial Evolution (Read 911 times)

Activity: 9
Merit: 0

one question to Devs, what is the maximum amount planed to be collected during the ICO?
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Nice one. But I don't understand how you would protect rights being anonymous...
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
Could you sent telegram official channel link ?
Activity: 109
Merit: 10
I'm going to promote you on social media. Any bounty?


Percentage distributed................100%
Percentage kept.........................0%

Very interesting project, i think ill send some, bamm!
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
faythe and trent sound like a wise investment. i wish i would have got eth or btc years ago..
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
Keep going strong. We need something like this......
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
I love the website &paper
Everything looks nice and makes sense to me
I want to invest in your journey
I hope this will create change for everyone
BTC was the greatest progress of mankind in the last 10 years..
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
Awesome project. Will follow your work and try to figure out the results.
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
Any idea when this moves to the next period. We are in prime movers and heading for brain gain Tongue
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
Projekt looks great. Keep up the good work.
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
I think we should all try our best to promote this project. We need something to stand up for our interests and we should stand up for them. Just my 2 cents..
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
Website looks crazy. I'm hyped!
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
Anyone else found out about this on Telegram?Huh Smiley
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
This looks like a really interesting scientific project. I really hope we can get more news and updates from the dev team.
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
Glad I managed to contribute and get bonus tokens. Hopefully this will move ahead to the next stages soon and also hit exchanges......
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
I've put in 0.1 ETH
That's all I have right now Tongue
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
Anyone else using Shapeshift? Alternatives?
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
Look at the whitepaper: TTP is a fund for contribution, FYE is only given to people as bonus or reward for donations.
TTP will be a 4th gen coin, while FYE will be a coin governed by a god protocol.
If people would first read and only ask questions after the forum would be a much better place.
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
I wondered why BTC was going to hell. This explains. Fuck the banks.
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
Got both TTP and FYE. What is the difference.
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
Best project at the moment. All in.
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
Why is your website lacking design?
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
Thinking about throwing 10 ETH at this one. Not sure how I can get that out of CEX.
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
How did you do the math on the 22X initial bonus?? What is that in percentage??
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
I like the project. I think crypto is about being decetralized and anonymous anyways.
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
Anyone else noticed this on the Binance Telegram chat?
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
Both ETH and BTC are down the drain right now. Got nothing to loose...
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
Trent & Faythe are both names used by cryptographers in different explanations and theories. Just googled that and read it on Wikipedia.
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
The bonus system is amazing:
1000 ETH - 22X multiplier - 0.1% of total contributors
331 ETH - 8X multiplier - 0.03% of total
441 ETH - 4X multiplier - 0.04% of total
100000+ETH - 10% of total
And if you look at how this is done less than 11% of people get any bonus
I think this is a good reason to get in early and enjoy the benefits
Activity: 63
Merit: 0
Why do you have such a weird website?
Activity: 85
Merit: 0
 I'll be watching this project. Got to get that bonus..
Activity: 87
Merit: 0
 Is the roadmap presented in the QUEST graph???
Activity: 98
Merit: 0
Someone mentioned your project on Telegram. You have a bunch of people promoting you already. Good work.
Activity: 103
Merit: 0
 Nick Szabo is Satoshi Nakamoto!!!!
Activity: 75
Merit: 0
Next period comes after 1000 ETH gets contributed in total to the contract
Activity: 86
Merit: 0
I don't think this is Nick Szabo and there is no real evidence Nick Szabo is Satoshi Nakamoto. The paper looks a bit like the original Bitcoin paper but that is the only similar thing. Bitcoin was all related to mining while this is an ETH ERC20 project. I am sorry I can't agree with you.
Activity: 98
Merit: 0
Just send my money to another ICO. I wish I would have looked at your website before. Hope bonus is still available on my next payday
Activity: 87
Merit: 0
Crypto world needs this. We are taking such a beating from the banks. We are the 99%
Activity: 85
Merit: 0
Took a better look at the smart contract on the ethereum network. Everything you have on the website matches. Good luck with you project. Wish I would have some eth available so I could contribute.
Activity: 63
Merit: 0
Contributed and got tokens right away. Process is quite simple. I am still kind of a noob Smiley
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
Where can I buy some ETH with a CC?HuhHuh
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
 Bro, it's simple. For the first people who join the project they give TTP & FYE bonus. After bonus runs out the only way to get FYE tokens is if you donate TTP tokens to the developer team of Trent project. You need to make 1000 TTP contribution to get 1 FYE token. That is why the bonus they are giving away right now is soooo great. Get it?
Activity: 73
Merit: 0
This is not your normal ICO. No team, no corporate support, no fake promises. This looks really oldschool. I used to code on a terminal that looked just like this.
I don't see any exact date at which this will hit exchanges, but if we can get enough community support I doubt it will be a problem.
The promise of seeing a working god protocol is a good enough argument to pitch in.
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
All the coins I was in killed me. My portfolio is now 25% what it used to be. Anything that could help me get back to what I had is great.
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
So only the first people get bonus. There is no time limit so I guess everything is contribution based at first. At least that is what their website claims
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
I get the same question. Did you contribute? PM me
Activity: 70
Merit: 0
"Are you sure you are in the right place?" Anyone else gets this question on the website?
Activity: 81
Merit: 0
Sent you an email. Please get in touch with me. I can arrange some interviews for you if you are who I think you are.
Activity: 77
Merit: 0
I don't understand the paper. Complicated
Activity: 75
Merit: 0
Don't be greedy I think that is enough bonus for everyone with money in the project. They are selling all the tokens, 100% goes to public sale. Like someone said here initial bonus is more than 20 times the money you put in. By the time they will be traded you will get 22 ETH for each ETH you contributed. If price goes up, which I am sure it will, you can easily get a million or more with less than one BTC contributed. Not a bad deal. I will get out of some shit coins on Binance and get more money in this.
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
So bonus is 21 FYE for first 1000 ETH
7 FYE for next 311 ETH
3 FYE for next 441 ETH
1 FYE for next 137151 ETH
After that no bonus
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
Can someone please translate website to Korean? Google translate not so good
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
Why do you just take ETH, I only have BTC!!!!
Activity: 83
Merit: 0
Anyone has social media profile for Atoshima Konsato? Is this name from Japan or Korea?
Activity: 63
Merit: 0
Imagine the ideal protocol. It would have the most trustworthy third party imaginable – a diety who is on everybody's side. All the parties would send their inputs to God. God would reliably determine the results and return the outputs. God being the ultimate in confessional discretion, no party would learn anything more about the other parties' inputs than they could learn from their own inputs and the output."
This shit is weird, but so was Bitcoin when it first started in 2008. Future looks quite ok. You can find a lot of stuff related to your paper on google.
Activity: 85
Merit: 0
Thread was made by atoshima, is this the same guy that wrote the paper?
Activity: 87
Merit: 0
 I think I will jump in then. Bonus is quite good, probably the best on the market right noww.
Activity: 98
Merit: 0
 I've sent ETH and got both TTP and FYE right away. Contract looks solid.

Activity: 77
Merit: 0
Anyone looked at the smart contract? Anyone got any tokens?
Activity: 81
Merit: 0
Bro, it's simple. For the first people who join the project they give TTP & FYE bonus. After bonus runs out the only way to get FYE tokens is if you donate TTP tokens to the developer team of Trent project. You need to make 1000 TTP contribution to get 1 FYE token. That is why the bonus they are giving away right now is soooo great. Get it?
Activity: 70
Merit: 0
Why do you not allow mining. I want to mine your coin. Why ERC20 token?
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
Your website looks like old computer. You need to type letter for navigation. I like your project but get better designer.
Activity: 103
Merit: 0
TTP - Trent tokens total
FYE - Faythe 21.000.000 tokens total
1000 TTP will be equal 1 FYE
Put money now and for each ETH got 1000 TTP + 21 FYE = 22.000 TTP -> 22 X my investement. That is more than 20X you mentioned. And this is only available for the first 1000 ETH so not that much left.
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
Sent some ETH, got some tokens. Anyone knows telegram?
Activity: 73
Merit: 0
Paper is so weird. From what it looks plan is to bribe goverment officials. At least that is what I get out of it. If that is the case the funny thing is it might work. Bitcoin is going down the drain right now so anything that could save that would be welcome.
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
Yup. You will get. I just contributed and have tokens in my account. I've made the math and I think that I can get at least 20x what I put in after bonus ends. Nice way to get some of the money I lost in the last month. Thinking about giving some more ethereum to this project Smiley
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
Project seems interesting. Looked at your paper and you say that you have working God Protocol. Also from my understanding your raising is now in "Prime Movers" period. Does that mean that I can get 1000 TTP + 21 FYE for ETH contributed?
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
From what I understand from your website ICO is now open? Can I send ETH to the contract right now and receive tokens?
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
I've released an Anonymous decentralized movement based on a God Protocol with human trusted third parties used for insight.
A key aspect of Faythe is the much needed reaction to the assault on our crypto communities.

The paper is available at:

I'm glad to answer any questions you have. My email is on the website. If I get time, I ought to write a FAQ to supplement the paper.

Our quest is available at:

I am looking for prime movers for my project. The contract is now on the Ethereum network and can be viewed here: 0x7415c7bf3e2415fa9a55f1fd8b6fccf2914c39a6
Prime movers will be rewarded for their support. All plots and contributions are on the website.

Contribution Address: 0x7415c7bf3e2415fa9a55f1fd8b6fccf2914c39a6

\Trent\Faythe: I\O Peer-to-Peer Financial Evolution

Abstract. The evolution of peer-to-peer electronic cash would allow the global implementation of a decentralized financial system, fundamentally altering the nature of corporation and government interference in economic transactions. Such a system would also be able to handle the inputs and outputs of a functional god protocol. Similar to the nodes running a blockchain, a growing network of oracles could provide consensus for validation of third party information. For such a system to be deployed it is important that its creation remains decentralized and anonymous. Electronic cash needs to be distributed to the adopters in order to be able to obtain a full fledged operating machine on deployment of the protocol with multiple contributions reducing the risk of connection censorship. Contributions raised would allow for laws and regulations to be turned favorable to all cryptocurrencies on a global scale setting in motion the right climate for deployment.

Atoshima Konsato
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