
Topic: Trinity Lab Launches New Liquidity Management Service for Uniswap v3 (Read 104 times)

Activity: 13
Merit: 4
BoosterPool automatically manages the liquidity in Uniswap v3 for you. It improves the efficiency of your capital by concentrating liquidity to obtain the highest yields. Plus, it automatically adjusts your range orders as the underlying price moves so you can continue to capture fees due to our group's fundamental ability to help bring the power of decentralized finance to every person.

Además, el grupo Booster tiene una reinversión automática de comisiones que brinda ganancias generales con la maximización de su estrategia sin siquiera molestarlo. Los ahorros de gas se logran a través de la interacción directa con los pools de cultivo sin contratos con terceros. Un contrato inteligente verificado garantiza la inviolabilidad de los fondos.

Boosterpool It is an innovative platform, where users can have access to a clean investment and without third parties

Date of your first AMA

Boo$terPool first AMA session Date: August 31st. Time: 12:00 UTC+0.
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