Firstly - if one Bitcoin is worth thousands, as I've read, how do you spend it? I mean if I went into a shop that says 'I TAKE BITCOIN' and I had one bitcoin but only wanted to spend (say) $50, how would he give me change? I guess what I'm asking is what do Bitcoins break down into that make them spendable in everyday terms - I've not actually SEEN any websites saying 'WE TAKE BITCOIN!'
There is something called
change in Bitcoin, in this case the amount you are spending is sent to the receiver and the others is sent back to you. This handle by the Bitcoin Network itself and not the receiver.
The change Address ConceptWhat is the "Change" address on bitcoin walletWhich is the second question. As I've not seen any websites saying 'BITCOIN WELCOME HERE' or similar, what use is Bitcoin? From what I've read (and understood, or think I've understood, feel free to tell me if I'm wrong) it's a universal currency. But if one coin's worth loads and there doesn't seem to be any way to break it down into fractions (like breaking a dollar down into cents) - how do you use it? And where, as there doesn't seem to be anywhere accepting payment in Bitcoin (that I've seen.)
bitcoin has smaller units, while satoshi is the smallest unit of bitcoin:
BTC/SAT/μBTC/mBTC[Did you know?] Bitcoin Table of UnitsThere are many platforms/services accepting bitcoin online while there are even debit cards that can be funded with bitcoin & crypto:
Big List of Crypto Debit Cards . Also, bitcoin is a universal currency because as long as both parties accept to used it as a means of payment, it doesn't have any barrier, faster and cheaper, when making cross-border transactions. Also it decentralize nature can not be over emphasized.
And last one (for now!) - as I've never seen any sites accepting payment in Bitcoin, and there doesn't seem to be a way to break Bitcoin down into smaller coin values - WHY is it so valuable all of a sudden? What's the POINT of it? (2 questions in one, sorry!) Feels like going into shops with a $100 bill, trying to spend 50c and the shopkeepers going 'Sorry, man, haven't got that kinda change.'
The value of bitcoin is set by us, it depends on how we in the market view it