there are 3 types of posters in the speculation sub.
1. To The Moon!
2. Sky Is Falling!
3. Sideways forever!
none of them know what they are talking about.
I don't think anyone does when it comes to the price/valuation. I don't really go/post in the Speculation sub becsuse it seems to be just kids saying the same three things you mentioned day in day out thread after thread.
To be fair there are a few members trying to analyse the market using various tools and I found a (very) few threads in the speculation subforum interesting enough to watch. While the majority falls into the before mentioned three groups there are a few notable exceptions.
I think that as was said above, too many folks bought into bitcoin at the same time as a sort of get-rich-quick scheme. This is what caused the price to skyrocket so high. Now, slowly but surely, these folks decide "whoops" and sell off their bitcoins. Those of us who bought in early haven't lost money and are still around, still hashing blocks, still developing cool technology on the protocol.
I don't feel the "Get rich quick" group generally would spend lots of time and energy venting their resentment on this forum. It doesn't really benefit them in any way. I would expect them to at most make a few posts and then to move on. What would motivate them to keep complaining for more than a month? I think there must be other motivators for the sustained trolling. Market manipulation seems the most obvious one to me, though I wonder if posting on this forum is an effective to manipulate anything.
IMO the influx of trolling and infighting is due to the fact that STAFF NOW MODERATE TRUST. This has become a very effective methods for trolls to make accusation after accusation against trusted members in order to make sure they are burned by the staff run witch hunt. This is a simple way for burned scammers and trolls to get retribution, by burning down a trusted user's hard earned trust (often takes years to build). This results in all sorts of infighting and forces long trusted members to have to defend their reputations from any user who can manage to type up a complaint about their trust rating. This is causing the community to eat itself from the inside out, and the staff are helping the trolls rip this community apart, realizing it or not.
Since when do staff moderate trust? I never got that memo... Is it true? Sounds like you got burnt and are taking it out on... Anyone other then yourself. Just my totally unfounded opinion though.