
Topic: Trouble Exporting from Multibit Classic to Electrum (Read 960 times)

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
I've solved the problem with importing from Multibit Classic into Electrum.  The video that Multibit directs you too is incorrect for Electrum v3.x.  When Electrum is first run, you have to select 'Import Bitcoin Addresses' contrary to the guidance in the Youtube video. I spent all day Sunday trying to get it working as the video !!
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Hi all ~ I'm hoping for some advice.  I've just tried to import a 52 character key into Electrum which I exported from Multibit Classic.  It looked like the one highlighted red in the above post and began with an L.

Electrum doesn't seem to recognise the key, the grey 'Next' button remains greyed out. 

Multibit has synchronised and is showing my Coin and I have typed as well as pasted the key into Electrum in case the software introduced some hidden characters.  I'm not sure where to go from here and would welcome any advise.

Another member who had problems reset the blockchain in Multibit several times and "finally got his bitcoin back", would this make any difference to the problem I'm experiencing ? Is there anything else I can try ?

thanks in advance,

Activity: 17
Merit: 0
I have read forums and advice from exporting private keys to Electrum.

I have Multibit Classic wallet that was stored on USB.  I generated a private key that I tried to import into Electrum but shows 0 BTC after it was done??

I must be doing something wrong.  Would appreciate any advice.


Did you let it load properly?
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4314
The first thing to check is that the address(es) generated after you imported your private key(s) into Electrum are the same as the address(es) that you had in MultiBit Classic. If the address(es) are different, then you have imported the private keys for a different wallet.

Also, have you actually checked the address(es) from MBC on a block explorer like to see if they still contain BTC? It could be that the coins have already been spent and those addresses no longer contain coins, so that is why you get 0 balance. Does Electrum show transaction history?

Additionally, when you exported the keys from MBC, you need to make sure that you do not password protect the exported file and then you should have got a text file that listed all your keys in a format like this:

# Anyone who can read this file can spend your bitcoin.
# Format:
#   [[]]
#   The Base58 encoded private keys are the same format as
#   produced by the Satoshi client/ sipa dumpprivkey utility.
#   Key createdAt is in UTC format as specified by ISO 8601
#   e.g: 2011-12-31T16:42:00Z . The century, 'T' and 'Z' are mandatory
KyRmVbFNN95UUKBzVVkzC3xqoR4k6rrTBCsBpTTcxZBZCQzzhjfT 2009-10-27T22:04:57Z
# End of private keys
You only want to copy and paste the actual key (highlighted in red above) into Electrum... do not copy the datetime stamp at the end of each key, or any of the lines that start with a '#'

Activity: 3
Merit: 0
I have read forums and advice from exporting private keys to Electrum.

I have Multibit Classic wallet that was stored on USB.  I generated a private key that I tried to import into Electrum but shows 0 BTC after it was done??

I must be doing something wrong.  Would appreciate any advice.

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