World leader at this time are probably calling Trump stupid in behind the curtains. It is even scary to have someone so simple in the White House.
Trump style is always similar. Trudeau said that he likes throwing the oponent out of balance and that may be the right approach when you are building in New York or golf courses in Ireland, but international negotiations do not really work like that.
I freely interpret Trumps comments as the intent to renegotiate comercial relations with other countries and economic blocks. I certainly doubt very much that he will achieve better results that any other government. Those deals are highly technical.
If you want industry in your country and having a good foreing commercial balance you need to make your country more efficient and more productive - there are no shortcuts to this.
BTW take the threats to Europe too far and you may find out how easy Europe can all the sudden like the Saudis, Ruzzia and China as better and more stable allies.