So drug users can be prosecuted for financing terrorist organizations. What could possibly go wrong.
anything that can be done to put the mafia organizations in jail is not enough
Which will do nothing to solve the problem if the demand is still there, is the point I think.
And Trump isn't gonna even try to solve addiction nor any other public health issue because that sounds like an actual real problem that can't be solved with a sharpie.
Yes that is the point.
My thesis is that Latin America is not the problem of the US, but rather the oposite. How are you going to have properly governed countries when the public budget has to compete with the illegal inflows of US funds comming from the drug users of this country?On one side, we have a constant discourse from the US criminalising anything that is not white and preferably blond. We are not talking only about Reagans "war on drugs" that crowded the jails of the US with people with relatively minor offences, we are also talking about the Holywood machinery producing movie after movie with Latins on the roles of criminals and gangsters.
In Trumps inaugural speech, he is a milimeter from equating Latin American and criminal. He does not exactly says this, but he exactly gives that general view. But the war on drugs should start in the US. Either you legalise it or, as Suchmoon wrote (I am guessing with a hint of irony) that all the consumers in the US would face charges for financing terrorists. and make it taxable and medically controlled or start by cleaning your home.
So? Let me see if I understand you, the bad guy is Trump because he considers the cartels terrorist organizations and instead it is the fault of those who want to get high. That the cartels use methods of extortion, torture and murder that leave the Spanish Holy Inquisition as amateurs is something we should ignore because the blame lies with the soft middle class who wants to get high.
I have tried basically all the classic drugs (marijuana, speed, LSD, extasy, cocaine, and various opiates) and I think that anything that can be done to put the mafia organizations in jail is not enough. At least those who sold them to me were not cutting people into little pieces while they were still alive.
Well, it seems that you have then financed the terrorists according to Trump.
Of course you can easily pass moral judgement on the cartel - it cannot be any simpler and you would be right in the facts. But half truth is not the truth.
For example, the US goverment created Guantanamo - where people could be tortured and held in captivity indefinetly - but when that was considered "too good" they CIA flew them to Egypt and other countries whose police would make the Cartels look like amateurs. See? Easy judgement, and as standalone, true. And that was a Republican's creation BTW.
It is not something you should ignore, it is something you should eliminate at the source - the US, where the money comes that make the poor and desperate people of poor and desperate countries kill each other.