One hypothesis is that the leftists medias are working for the short side:). I can't imagine the state of their financial account if they played against trump:).
In all, this recent speech was great! It's really impressive to see trump respond to the questions live. I loved how he responded to the statue issue by deflecting to federalism.
What i find funny about the fake news is how they believed to survive in a neomarxists society. Propaganda will have to be centralized and to prevent leaks the size will have to be cut down massively.
The chao streamline process of approval certainly deserve a good look by the cccp responsible departement...
I just hope that all those new infrastructures are thought with ai in mind, as hybrid system where humans and autonomous can both gain.
And then leftists have to deny god, evil and violence because they want to control violence to do evil to pretend to be god.
What's the percentage of white people on earth? I heard it's less than 10% now...
The problem is that racism is never seen as against white or anyone. It's just an excuse that the cabal uses to attack the usa. They fucking don't care about anything. They have to destroy first.
What's fun is when the short side start to cover... and if one entity doesn't care about skin colors... it's the market.
Then again the driver was under ssri? A merck product?
Those ceos that left are deplorables. At least the walmart guys is sensitive. Stay what ever to improve situation. What the fuck the other thermites believed to be able to renounce a seat because of their own little confort. Fuck them -> insta fires!
The cocksucker of intel for example not even able to produce a sha256 miners, letting the cg take over all heavy cumputing, arm taking over mobile and more... and this sucker has time to take care of anything but market??? Cheat! Lie! Leech! How can shareholders tolerate such losers produced by so called high education...