And most importantly is it role of distribution of important life saving drugs and some times even funding of the health care systems of many nations especially the developing countries and with this proposed plan waiting to be implemented due to delays coming from some U.S law makers challenging the order from the president if it scales through and becomes a law majority of the world population is going to suffer as some of these drugs especially life threatening diseases like H.I.V , Covid 19, Cancer , polio etc drugs are very expensive and most of the ordinary citizens of the world can't afford it especially from the african continent that health care is a major challenge to them due to corruption and not concern about government about the welfare of the citizens just imagine during the covid pandemic and there was no covid drug to be distributed to the world how many millions of life will have been lost
But looking at trump and the angle that he is coming from he is more concerned about America and the prosperity of Americans so to him every country should take responsibility of her affairs including health and critically looking at this decision if implement is not even out of place because some of these developing countries especially in the African continent without any racial sentiments has been sleeping on due and deliberately not concerned about the development of their countries but has perfected the act of stealing money ment for the development of their countries and running to America and Europe infact things are so bad in some of these developing countries that when their leaders become sick they don't make use of hospitals in their countries but run to Europe and America to take medical treatment so this move is in place as it will send the right message to countries all over the world that things has to change and that every country should take responsibility for the welfare of her citizens
Many countries in the world today have everything thing it will takes to develop their nation but their corrupt leaders prefer looting their treasury and run to another countries that is develop by their leaders. It's high time everyone should thing about making their home a better place for their people.