No, I am pretty far right but I despise nazis..
Their F'n socialists for one..
For 2 they are extremely unrealistically racist and wish terrible things upon undeserving peoples..
I have family on both sides of that war and know of the horrors..
If every socialist nation would be a faschist and authoritarian dictatorship we wouldnt have problems with overpopulation
Im not sure why Americans think a nation is communist just because they build highways and have a universal healthcare. Lol
Wait.. I thought we had a problem with UNDERpopulation and therefore need to import a bunch of 3rd world immigrants even though their ideals are almost completely contrary to our own..
So is low birth rate in the west a good thing so we don't get overpopulated or do we need to counter it with economically useless, mostly economically negative, immigrants?
Universal healthcare is a good indicator of socialism/communism but not 100% a deciding factor..
The big problem is importing liberal/socialist/communist/mooch immigrants that will vote for free stuff every time because they and their kind are welfare dependent liabilities..
But they will vote left every time bet your ass so they try to bring them in by the thousands..
Destroying our western economy and culture to stay in power..
The more people they can get dependent of free stuff the more votes they get and the worse our economy and culture get, but they stay in power..
And then you have their quest to demonize western culture in favor of barbarians to justify giving them free stuff and economic advantages, that we are paying for..
Get all the people to vote for anything as long as they get their free stuff and you have tyranny now..
Take our free speech so we can't speak against it. Take our privacy supposedly to watch these same people.. Then take our defense rights so we are impotent in a real crisis.. Banning cash so they can track you.. Banning encryption so they can hack you..
No thanks..