
Topic: Trump Threatens to Cut US Contribution to WHO. (Read 413 times)

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
I do not miss any point. I did not say anything about WHO-did-nothing. WHO dismissed nothing but a deathly point, which took them 2 weeks to "running tests" and "getting patents with ties to the wetmarket" to annouce an irresponsible note: "only limited human-to-human transmission" as late as Jan. 14. Their action was deliberately slow. Yes, WHO publicly talked about an "atypical disease" but Taiwan was way ahead of them.

I can guarantee you this. Just like you think WHO was doing their job, China talked to them: "Hey, it just a common flu. We can handle it". WHO then annouced it "an atypical disease". When Taiwan gave the warning, China said: "Dump it. The virus is from bats". Then magazines wrote about bats. When China failed to control the spread, WHO admitted the person-to-person transmission and declared global pandemic.

Just do the math, from Dec. 31 when Taiwan warned till Jan. 14 when WHO said "there was only limited human-to-human transmission", how many people migrated from Wuhan and spreaded the virus all over the world. Was it a coincedence that Russia and North Korea, two of China's closest allies was the first countries to close their borders with China.

Oh hey, how about the virus name. WHO must be so vocal in changing it.

i understand you formed your opinion from most likely some fox news style of racial tension evoking, which site might have been saying WHO first announced on january 14th
but thats plain wrong
WHO was talking about it january 1st.

what you got to realise is the reality of things

again. because you seem very ignorant and blind or atleast purposefully avoiding reading this part. so i feel its my mission to repeat it to help you learn something
on DECEMBER 18th. it was a local hospital thing. something al hospitals around the world call a 'zebra' (analogy of it looks like its a horse but not quite the same as a horse) of ONE paient
local hospital then done some diagnoses and tests and sent off samples.
then over the next week new patients were coming in
on december 31 there were 27 patients and only 7 had severe symptoms.
again december 31st only 7 people with severe symptoms

yes it was a strange pathogen. but come on put your brain hat on. use a few thoughts to realise do you actually think its a pandemic with only 7 severe patients at this point
they seeked advice from multiple sources before december 31 but after december 18th. yep hospitals in other countries too. they seeked advice from specialists of terror attack possibilities of some gas attack possibility. other poisons. other food contaminates. sars virologist and other virologists.

here is the thing you are being ignorant of aswell
doctors. in any country are not suppose to raise a pandemic alarm on the whim of 7 patients. without having the results back that it is actually something big.

heck they are not even suppose to scream an outbreak scare until they are sure

China wuhan hospital was in communication with china CDC which ran the tests at microscopic level
who knew it was a new respiratory pathogen 'atypical respiratory disease'
china CDC got the results and who was informed that it was a new strain of sars on january 4th

again just incase you missed it out.
on december 18th-31st. was still the diagnostic stage. heck even the wuhan hospital themselves were not 100% sure what they were dealing with. it takes time to send off samples to labs and get it analysed.

i think you are just biasedly angry at china for a reason why america didnt act until march..
sorry but the world knew that it was a new strain of sars and more viralant in the first week of january

WHO were calling it  novel corona virus outbreak on january forth. when at that very day there were only 44 patients ALL win wuhan. NO WHERE ELSE
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1514
Good. Don't become a propaganda arm for the Communist government of China if you want to be taken seriously on an international level. WHO's done China's bidding for them in suppressing the virus so cut off their funds. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the second highest funder of WHO and they should reduce funding themselves, but I doubt they will.

International organizations are always problematic, are always a cluster****, and are always politicized.

More evidence seems to be coming out that China was slow in informing other nations of the problem and the likely spread of the problem. This resulted in something of world chaos. WHO certainly shouldn't be aligned with actions or advocacy that make the health of the world worse.

EDIT TO ADD: I don't think this should be reduced to "China evil punish Evil China." "Evil WHO TOO!!"

I can see easily, US working with China on policy and science, planning how to deal with future events such as this, and more good come from that than demonizing nations.

The U.S, and Canada for that matter, actually did work with China in finding their virology lab which, according to some theories, was responsible for the virus outbreak. -

This suggests that all the rhetoric against China by U.S. politicians is worthless political speak. It's going to be really tough for the U.S. to try and hold China responsible for the coronavirus outbreak when the U.S themselves fund irresponsible research in a shady virology lab.

On another note, the U.S has imperialism historically ingrained in it's roots yet it somehow finds a way to co-exist in China with minimal violence all because of the economic power China has over the U.S. When Trump tries to scapegoat China for the virus I don't expect him to retaliate with any meaningful policy that would significantly make China pay. I also expect Joe Biden, if he were to win, to do even less
granted he can even remember which country was responsible.

full member
Activity: 186
Merit: 253
WHO refused to act on Taiwan's warning,

WHO has its staffs virtually all over the world. Yes they announced the disease but gave improper information and it took them almost a month to do so. It is rediculous knowing that WHO's experts are on top in the field.

Yes they are an advisory board and they refused to listen to a warning from Taiwan in a blink of an eye.
what did WHO dismiss
who was talking publicly about it being an atypical disease the same time taiwan was saying it.
what you are not realising is that on the 18th of december to the 30th of december. it was atypical respiratory disease
the hospitals and who were all still running tests. and still only getting patents with ties to the wetmarket
I do not miss any point. I did not say anything about WHO-did-nothing. WHO dismissed nothing but a deathly point, which took them 2 weeks to "running tests" and "getting patents with ties to the wetmarket" to annouce an irresponsible note: "only limited human-to-human transmission" as late as Jan. 14. Their action was deliberately slow. Yes, WHO publicly talked about an "atypical disease" but Taiwan was way ahead of them.

I can guarantee you this. Just like you think WHO was doing their job, China talked to them: "Hey, it just a common flu. We can handle it". WHO then annouced it "an atypical disease". When Taiwan gave the warning, China said: "Dump it. The virus is from bats". Then magazines wrote about bats. When China failed to control the spread, WHO admitted the person-to-person transmission and declared global pandemic.

Just do the math, from Dec. 31 when Taiwan warned till Jan. 14 when WHO said "there was only limited human-to-human transmission", how many people migrated from Wuhan and spreaded the virus all over the world. Was it a coincedence that Russia and North Korea, two of China's closest allies was the first countries to close their borders with China.

Oh hey, how about the virus name. WHO must be so vocal in changing it.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
WHO refused to act on Taiwan's warning,

WHO has its staffs virtually all over the world. Yes they announced the disease but gave improper information and it took them almost a month to do so. It is rediculous knowing that WHO's experts are on top in the field.

Yes they are an advisory board and they refused to listen to a warning from Taiwan in a blink of an eye.

again because i think you are missing the point
what did WHO dismiss
who was talking publicly about it being an atypical disease the same time taiwan was saying it.
what you are not realising is that on the 18th of december to the 30th of december. it was atypical respiratory disease
the hospitals and who were all still running tests. and still only getting patents with ties to the wetmarket
at the point of december 31st they were still not 100% sure it was of a pandemic magnatude
they were still considering/testing for and ruling out all options of all possibilities sch as normal sars and just random people with other issues. whether it was some gas attack by terrorists. whether it was food consumption poisoning, plus many other things

it takes days to get the tests under a microscope and enhanced (multiplying the sample cycles to then run) full tests.
it takes days to contact monitor and trace the links between these patients with similar symptoms

yes it was odd. and yes the doctors in wuhan seeing this of new list of symptoms think the worse and panic. but until all the tests are in and results are found raising an international alarm is stupid to do too early.

here is the thing. january 9th is 3 weeks after patient zero but only a week or two after the other couple dozen
raising an international alert in 3 weeks is actually using all the results to back it up and the transparency of wuhan/china actually passing theat info around. is actually good time

i can guarantee you this
just like you thinkthat a taiwan doctor got tod by a wuhan doctor about risk of virus. i will say there would be another doctor that told his pal that he is worried that it might be a terrorist act.

and yea 4 months later the taiwan doctor wh got told the virus possibility early on. thought to himself 'i can be famous by saying i knew before anyone else'
this taiwan doctor HEARD a possibility(a valid possibility) but did not truly KNOW at the time if that possibility was 100% backed up by tests.

its like fortune telling
if you send out 50 stories and one story sounds familiar to a certain person . suddenly you can be famous with that one person
whats not said is that during december 18th to 31st. many doctor in wuhan were also consulting other doctors about poisons and other contaminants.

purely because NO ONE know the true extent or severity of how transmittable it would become in that first week or two after patient zero

just do the math (even without checking facts the maths itself shows rationality)
1person december 10th - hospitalised 18th
                        3people 13th-18th -hospitalised 21nd
                              9people 16th-21th -hospitalised 24th
                                  27people  19th-24th - hospitalised 27th

so when a hospitals sees 1 patient.. ok odd no big alart
when a hospital sees another 3 patients .. ok now somethings very odd more tests needed
then 9 then 27.. yep doctors dont have test reslts back yet but doctors are panicing and worrying about many causes

again many causes were tested and ruled out. many experts in diferent fields were consulted
just because a taiwan doctor was on the path of a new viral strain. he did not 100% know for sure because it was just concern/worry/panic. without test results.

again china and WHO didnt hush it up. patient zero is known publicly WHO didnt wait until march/april to act.. they started acting when they got the results back and started making the alert local at first and international by january 9th

this si normal/rational and accepted timeline.

what is not acceptable is the lack of preparedness countries not near china. who didnt stockpile or prepare in january
and the lack of preparing is not WHO's fault

a taiwan doctor rings up WHO on december 31st and says 'i heard rumours from a friend that theres something going on in wuhan with an atypical respiratory disease"
your narrative is that on WHO done nothing and said nothing for months

my narrative is WHO was very vocal
heck even the next day yep january 1st
"There are many potential causes of viral pneumonia, many of which are more common than severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. WHO is closely monitoring this event and will share more details as we have them"

"Investigations are still being carried out and authorities cannot yet confirm what pathogen is causing this illness,"

so december31st. they atleast rules out terrorist/poison attack. and realise due to people entering severe symptoms. that it is viral pneumonia
yep only seven people were in severe distress.
7 not 70 not 700 not 7000.. just 7
full member
Activity: 186
Merit: 253
  • First and foremost, WHO ‘refused to act’
.. wait.. so your saying when china made an announcement that there was a pandemic. the WHO didnt back up china enough by refusing to act on china's announcement??

so are you saying there was no involvement with WHO before january ninth.
if your saying WHO refused to act. then how can they have been in bed with china.. sounds like your implying WHO are against china by brushing off the issue as non-news and refusing to act..
You need to understand this first then read my previous post again. Taiwan is not China. It is funny but Taiwan claims its territory over China mainland and China claims that Taiwan is a part of it. They are two opposite entities, if not enemies. With that being said, China does not want WHO to admit Taiwan's membership.

WHO refused to act on Taiwan's warning, not China's. I even wish that China had done similar thing as Taiwan. Do you know why China's nearby countries like Vietnam and Taiwan are doing so far better during this pandemic. It is because they know right information and situation at early stage, when WHO was still reluctant to announce. It is WHO did not act properly and made the Western over subjective and now you see the consequences.

actually who's role is ad advisory board. they are not authoritarian. .. heck it was america that organised and ordered 'repatriation flights' in february march and april..
Yes they are an advisory board and they refused to listen to a warning from Taiwan in a blink of an eye.[/list]

P.S: I neither defense Trump's decision on dumping WHO nor his "just a flu" attitude. I am so sorry for the US' current situation. I just want to make it clear that current WHO is no more WHO of 2003. No more Dr. Carlo Urbani that sacraficed himself to save people. Tedros Adhanom is just a China's puppet.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
I do not like conspiracy theories either and I am even against Trump's decision in cutting WHO's aid. It would be much more better if he did it after the pademic has gone. WHO still maintains an important role in fighting Covid-19 at the moment. Doing so only results in its internal chaos.
Actually, the WHO's role is covertly spreading Covid-19 throughout the world. Check the article for links and the video.

actually who's role is ad advisory board. they are not authoritarian. .. heck it was america that organised and ordered 'repatriation flights' in february march and april..
yep trump brought it to the US

im a brit. and even i can admit my countries government should have told the vacationers and workers to stay in china and just gave them a couple extra £thousands and say enjoy a few extra weeks/months holiday in china

im starting to think that all these conspiracy nutters are teenagers going through some paranoia withdrawal of no cannabis because they cant escape their parents watchful eyes due to isolation to celebrate 420 with their school friends
or they just cant simply walk to a street corner to buy their favourite buzz. so they going insane.
either way. to these conspiracy nutter i wish you a good 420

You are getting to be like Spendy. Chop off the important parts - take it out of context - so you can yammer about stuff you know nothing about. Why do you know nothing about it? Because you ignore the rest of it.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
I do not like conspiracy theories either and I am even against Trump's decision in cutting WHO's aid. It would be much more better if he did it after the pademic has gone. WHO still maintains an important role in fighting Covid-19 at the moment. Doing so only results in its internal chaos.
Actually, the WHO's role is covertly spreading Covid-19 throughout the world. Check the article for links and the video.

actually who's role is ad advisory board. they are not authoritarian. .. heck it was america that organised and ordered 'repatriation flights' in february march and april..
yep trump brought it to the US

im a brit. and even i can admit my countries government should have told the vacationers and workers to stay in china and just gave them a couple extra £thousands and say enjoy a few extra weeks/months holiday in china

im starting to think that all these conspiracy nutters are teenagers going through some paranoia withdrawal of no cannabis because they cant escape their parents watchful eyes due to isolation to celebrate 420 with their school friends
or they just cant simply walk to a street corner to buy their favourite buzz. so they going insane.
either way. to these conspiracy nutter i wish you a good 420
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

I do not like conspiracy theories either and I am even against Trump's decision in cutting WHO's aid. It would be much more better if he did it after the pademic has gone. WHO still maintains an important role in fighting Covid-19 at the moment. Doing so only results in its internal chaos.

Actually, the WHO's role is covertly spreading Covid-19 throughout the world. Check the article for links and the video.

Dr. Judy Mikovits (American Researcher) on Coronavirus

(Publisher's Note: Since July of 2016 Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock has interviewed Dr Judy Mikovits at least twice a month (100's of times) in a regular build up to what is happening now. It was due to Dr. Judy Mikovit's story that the created our first 10 days after our first interview. With Dr. Mikovit's help, our audience was prepared)

Checkout this very interesting interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits ( whose working relationship with Tony Fauci started in 1984 ) who is very experienced in studying virus' and even worked on helping virus' get gain of function. Some of the things she exposes ( directly or indirectly ) in this very informative interview.

1. How the origin of the disease could not have come from the Wuhan fish market.

2. How the way a virus is introduced is by direct injection ( through vaccines ) .

3. She does not deny that the virus is contagious but is actually spread by people who are vaccinated.

4. How the testing for the corona virus is very flawed and in fact a huge fraud is being perpetrated on people.

5. How those that received flu shots are more succeptible to the effects of the virus

6. How those that are wearing masks are actually PROMOTING the disease from spreading.

7. How vaccines in general ( through retrovirus and retrovirus contaminates in the vaccines ) actually promote disease including cancer. ( in fact Dr Mitkovits herself was infected with XMRV and developed a natural immunity to it )

8. What the real agenda behind the push for mandatory vaccination is .

9. How the fifth generation internet ties into making this plandemic even more deadly.

10. How the answer to healing from this virus is though natural medicine. The cure has already been given by what can be found in nature. All of these these natural remedies were created by God. In fact all medicines come from the study of plants.

Get ready to get a serious education from Dr Mikovits. Or you could just ignore this video and continue to mindlessly obey the voices that come from big government agencies like the WHO and the CDC in which case you are being conditioned to anxiously await a solution from a vaccine that uses "digital certificates" developed by a man who is an open proponent of depopulation. Mr Gates and Mt Fauci whether they know it or not are playing their part in a satanic agenda to try and destroy ALL human life on earth. The good news is that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of God will raise a standard against him. Yes that standard is one of the many things that we who have accepted Jesus can trust in. Lastly I would like to point out that both Fauci and Gates owe their very existence to a God who created all life on earth. This is a testimony to the goodness and righteousness of God who allows His rain to fall on the just and the unjust.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
  • First and foremost, WHO ‘refused to act’
.. wait.. so your saying when china made an announcement that there was a pandemic. the WHO didnt back up china enough by refusing to act on china's announcement??

so are you saying there was no involvement with WHO before january ninth.
if your saying WHO refused to act. then how can they have been in bed with china.. sounds like your implying WHO are against china by brushing off the issue as non-news and refusing to act..

which is it WHO didnt act or WHO over reacted to cause panic..
it cant be both.pick your conspiracy and stick with it

ok here is that FACTS
'patient zero' was hospitalised on december 18th. wuhan hospital thought it was a bit of an iffy list(atypical) of symptoms that didnt follow the same path as usual flu. so sent off tests.
over next couple weeks more patients came into hospital with similar symptoms. at this point they thought it was a localised infection where they were unsure if it was ingested poison/toxin. or some terrorist aerosole 'mustard gas attack' or the flu or a new flu like january 1st they found the commonality between 44 patients of a wuhan wetmarket

yep WHO was announcing this. they were not hiding it. nor was china.
but as of january 1st they didnt know it was contagious enough to be world wide risk. as still showing only local risk
. january 4th they closed down the wetmarket and sanitised it and still thinking it was local..

separetly the hospital and who got the sample results back realising that the strain was not an old strain or a common strain of virus but a new one.

WHO made some mathematical models about the patient data they had (again no china cover up) and they worked out that the contagion was very contagious based on how fast it was hopping form person to person.

by january 9th the whole world got the official announcement that it was a risk to the world

so im sorry but if you think there was a cover up.. thats more to do with many conspiracy people dont know how to use google properly[/list]
full member
Activity: 186
Merit: 253
I'd just like to make it clear that I'm not supporting some weird conspiracy regarding the coronavirus. I don't think that the WHO is in bed with the Chinese. [...]
Let me give you some evidences that WHO is in bed with China:

  • First and foremost, WHO ‘refused to act’ on Taiwan’s virus alert ( FYI, Taiwan is one of the most sucessful countries/areas in controling/blocking the spread of Covid-19 (422 infected, 6 dead, recovered 203 over a population of 23,78 miliilion at the time of writing, source:  
    The Taiwanese government has said it sounded the alarm at the end of last year about possible human-to-human transmission of a new coronavirus when it first started to strike people down in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. Yet its warning went unheeded by the World Health Organization (WHO), of which the island is not a member due to disputes over its statehood.[/url]
    Imagine if WHO, at its position, had taken the warning into serious consideration and carried out some investigation, then announced it publicly, how many lives could have been saved. The reason behind WHO's ignorance is really political based: Taiwan is not a member of WHO. The only country in the world does not want Taiwan to be a part of WHO is China. Being a neutral organization, why would WHO do that?

    The story did not end there, WHO's CEO then denied ignoring Taiwan's warning but then immediately Taiwan revealed its warning email to WHO ( and from then, WHO has been keeping silent.
  • Motivations behind Covid-19 name. The pandemic started from Wuhan. The name "Wuhan virus" or "Wuhan flu" is the most appropriate name for to remember it. In the past, there were a lot of similar disaster/ deseases named by locations they happened: Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), apanese encephalitis, Spanish flu or Ebola virus disease. I see no reason why WHO irrelevantly named it "Covid-19" aside from ingratiating China.

    This picture tells a lot:

I do not like conspiracy theories either and I am even against Trump's decision in cutting WHO's aid. It would be much more better if he did it after the pademic has gone. WHO still maintains an important role in fighting Covid-19 at the moment. Doing so only results in its internal chaos.
sr. member
Activity: 1190
Merit: 305
Pro financial, medical liberty
WHO, no one needs that corrupt institution.

Besides Trump has bigger ally, look at the guy on front of engine and the others in front of the engine
jr. member
Activity: 208
Merit: 7
this is the big hit. i completely agree with Trump
WHO said officially corona not spread human to human
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
I'd just like to make it clear that I'm not supporting some weird conspiracy regarding the coronavirus. I don't think that the WHO is in bed with the Chinese, nor do I think that the WHO made up the coronavirus.

When I made my claim before I was talking about how I believe that the WHO was just slow to get the jump on the Coronavirus. I fully understand that they're just an advisory group to countries, but I think that with the amount of funding they receive to be the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, they should've been a bit more in front of this issue and been able to call China out on their BS. Just an explanation on why this didn't happen would be nice. Because I highly doubt the WHO and everyone running it wanted to just ignore this or did this on purpose -- that'd be career ending and would probably lead to some horrible events happening to the leaders of the WHO.

So yeah, that's my little explanation regarding the matter.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Would be great if true, but I can almost guarantee that it is a sham.  Part of the WWF show which Trump excels at, and his hoard of dead-enders will eat it up.

If Trump did cut the funding it would be on paper only, and then the paper would show the Bill Gates is the top contributor to the W.H.O..  Even being the 2nd biggest contributor was enough to get 'his man' into the top position.  And Mr. (not Dr.) Tedros Adhanom has proven satisfactory in getting the scamdemic underway.  Time will tell if Tedros has what it takes to get everyone on earth (except the ultra-wealthy) their gene-modifying RNA vaccines and bio-metric tagging which seems to be Bill Gates' primary interest.

I do sense that the W.H.O. itself seems to be becoming damaged goods as the truth behind the balognavirus drips out.  Jewtube no longer spams every vid with links to W.H.O.'s website.

Does POTUS have the authority to cut Bill Gates' contribution to WHO?

I don't know how to answer that question because it isn't really based on a coherent concept of reality.  The U.S. could in theory I suppose arrest Bill Gates for crimes against humanity, but don't hold your breath for such a thing.

The U.S. wields considerable influence at the United Nations.  The goal now is to collapse the United Nations because the Zionists wish to take on the role of 'light unto the nations' from the seat of power in Jerusalem.  As Zionist are in complete control of the apparatus of the United States I expect that we'll see the U.N. be vilified (deservedly so) and the scammery associated with the 'balognavirus plandemic' will figure prominently in their campaign.

The currently prominent program among the Zionists seems to be to try to get a hot war going between China and the United States.  Bannon, Trump, etc are good examples of this.  Proxies for Sheldon Adelson and tools his money bought.  As I've suggested before, I think China would win easily with the help of the Zionists and the Chinese would end up being the debt collectors on the collateral that the U.S. Govt pledged to the Federal Reserve in exchange for producing USD.  Most of the financial entities have set up shop in China by now, and China (unlike the U.S.) is important to the 'belt-n-road' program where Jerusalem is the center.

Some say that the Chinese 'ghost cities' were built for a select number of 'chosen people' to inhabit when the United States is imploded.  It will be interesting to see if things play out that way.

Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
WHO is not an authority with power to slap a country into action/inaction. it is only an advisory service
if america/uk didnt want to take the advice until march. thats americas/uk's fault/choice.

Exactly. I've been agreeing with you a lot recently!

Trump is pathologically unable to accept any responsibility for anything. You'd think, as president, he might feel like taking responsibility is actually a part of his job. Apparently not.
Compare and contrast with previous incumbents.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
ok can all the conspiracy guys get your stories straight
there are two different finger points you conspiracy guys are trying to push. can you atleast try to pick one and stick with it. then it becomes much easier to laugh at you only once instead of twice

the two conspiracies are
1. WHO is a propaganda arm of china that is promoting that there is a pandemic to scare people
2. WHO is a coverup agent of china hiding information to pretend there is nothing to be scared about

now im just going to debunk both stories in one go. rather then wait for whatever conspiracy you pick to then debunk you individually

all the information from patient zero until public announcement is public information. the reason for the 3 weeks from patient zero admission to hospital until public release. is because it took that long for symptoms to manifest into more severe symptoms than usual and for other patients to be admitted and to find a commonality . as well as getting their blood and mucus samples tested thoroughly.
these samples are valid because other countries have now also done their independant tests and seen how the RNA is as china said it was. the stats of hospital admissions away from china in other countries also validate the severity before isolations

WHO is not an authority with power to slap a country into action/inaction. it is only an advisory service
if america/uk didnt want to take the advice until march. thats americas/uk's fault/choice.
Activity: 166
Merit: 16
Would be great if true, but I can almost guarantee that it is a sham.  Part of the WWF show which Trump excels at, and his hoard of dead-enders will eat it up.

If Trump did cut the funding it would be on paper only, and then the paper would show the Bill Gates is the top contributor to the W.H.O..  Even being the 2nd biggest contributor was enough to get 'his man' into the top position.  And Mr. (not Dr.) Tedros Adhanom has proven satisfactory in getting the scamdemic underway.  Time will tell if Tedros has what it takes to get everyone on earth (except the ultra-wealthy) their gene-modifying RNA vaccines and bio-metric tagging which seems to be Bill Gates' primary interest.

I do sense that the W.H.O. itself seems to be becoming damaged goods as the truth behind the balognavirus drips out.  Jewtube no longer spams every vid with links to W.H.O.'s website.

Does POTUS have the authority to cut Bill Gates' contribution to WHO?
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Good. Don't become a propaganda arm for the Communist government of China if you want to be taken seriously on an international level. WHO's done China's bidding for them in suppressing the virus so cut off their funds. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the second highest funder of WHO and they should reduce funding themselves, but I doubt they will.

International organizations are always problematic, are always a cluster****, and are always politicized.

More evidence seems to be coming out that China was slow in informing other nations of the problem and the likely spread of the problem. This resulted in something of world chaos. WHO certainly shouldn't be aligned with actions or advocacy that make the health of the world worse.

EDIT TO ADD: I don't think this should be reduced to "China evil punish Evil China." "Evil WHO TOO!!"

I can see easily, US working with China on policy and science, planning how to deal with future events such as this, and more good come from that than demonizing nations.
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1514
Good. Don't become a propaganda arm for the Communist government of China if you want to be taken seriously on an international level. WHO's done China's bidding for them in suppressing the virus so cut off their funds. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the second highest funder of WHO and they should reduce funding themselves, but I doubt they will.
sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325
I do understand a large amount of the backlash against the WHO. We send large amounts of money to the WHO and in all honesty they probably should've reacted a bit faster to the Coronavirus outbreak in China and shouldn't have relied on Chinese authorities to ensure that they were being legitimate. You can' trust China when it comes to stuff like this, and I think the WHO was relying heavily on Chinese information which made their response slow.

Why send money to a global health organization that didn't really do much here? I know that they're probably handling many other things, and the Coronavirus wasn't their only medical issue to be handling -- but still.

If Trump was smart he'd start his own health organization that is run by US health officials and is properly funded for future pandemics.

you can't trust anyone, stuff like this happens anyway.
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
I do understand a large amount of the backlash against the WHO. We send large amounts of money to the WHO and in all honesty they probably should've reacted a bit faster to the Coronavirus outbreak in China and shouldn't have relied on Chinese authorities to ensure that they were being legitimate. You can' trust China when it comes to stuff like this, and I think the WHO was relying heavily on Chinese information which made their response slow.

Why send money to a global health organization that didn't really do much here? I know that they're probably handling many other things, and the Coronavirus wasn't their only medical issue to be handling -- but still.

If Trump was smart he'd start his own health organization that is run by US health officials and is properly funded for future pandemics.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Or is this just Trump's way of finger pointing in the face of his own administration's apparent failure to contain the spread of the virus?


Trump just wants a scapegoat from his failure obviously, he and his experts should have foreseen this pandemic, because they are monitoring it, they could have taken action and ask the New York mayor to totally lock down the city as early as possible, now New York is one of the city with a  very high casualties.

locking down an entire city (the biggest in your country) basically trashes your currency

american left is full of retards who want to bankrupt and destroy america.

and i am saying that as someone living in germany/europe, we all can see the stupidity of the left in the usa.

When the currency situation gets bad enough, people will start using Bitcoin and the altcoins.

sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325

Or is this just Trump's way of finger pointing in the face of his own administration's apparent failure to contain the spread of the virus?


Trump just wants a scapegoat from his failure obviously, he and his experts should have foreseen this pandemic, because they are monitoring it, they could have taken action and ask the New York mayor to totally lock down the city as early as possible, now New York is one of the city with a  very high casualties.

locking down an entire city (the biggest in your country) basically trashes your currency

american left is full of retards who want to bankrupt and destroy america.

and i am saying that as someone living in germany/europe, we all can see the stupidity of the left in the usa.
hero member
Activity: 2926
Merit: 567

Or is this just Trump's way of finger pointing in the face of his own administration's apparent failure to contain the spread of the virus?


Trump just wants a scapegoat from his failure obviously, he and his experts should have foreseen this pandemic, because they are monitoring it, they could have taken action and ask the New York mayor to totally lock down the city as early as possible, now New York is one of the city with a  very high casualties.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
this news is empty of any real threat

america donates quarterly. and already gave the first quarter amount
secondly 60-90 days will be the time of the next payment
so saying he wont pay anything for 60-90 days is like someone getting paid a wage every month and a boss saying after paying you for the month you wont be getting paid for a month..

its just a bit of empty chest thumping to pretend he is holding money ransom when the truth is the money isnt even due until after trumps deadline anyway.

but it does make a bit of entertainment.
as for what he can do legally and easily.
yea he cn stop the voluntary contributions. but yea they are voluntary. as for the key specific projects that have more legal contracts tied to them. well he cant easily stop them if he ups the drama after 90 days are up

im going to guess trump will say (in his usual style)
'i had phone call, good phone call, very good people, yep WHO are very good people and they have been very friendly, yep we best friends. very best friends, they have made me happy in the conversation. so i will fund them. very happy with the result'
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
All right! Some progress regarding the WHO Coronavirus lies.

Coronavirus outbreak: Trump cuts funding to WHO, orders investigation

During a daily briefing with the coronavirus task force on Tuesday, U.S. President Trump announced that his administration will be cutting all funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) as the U.S. government conducts an investigation that is expected to take 60 to 90 days.

The U.S. president claimed the WHO failed to disclose or respond to what he called "credible" information in December that suggested the virus could be spread through human-to-human transmission.

Trump also blamed previous administrations, saying the funding should have been cut a long time ago and that they'll be looking at all the mistakes that have been made.

Trump also called the World Health Organization, very "China-centric."

Coronavirus outbreak: Trump cuts funding to WHO, orders investigation

Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
Trump certainly wants to cut the funding. Whether he'll be able to do so from a legal perspective is another question.

Of course this has nothing to do with the efficacy of the WHO. This is just the classic Trump behaviour of looking around to find a scapegoat to deflect from his own poor decisions. At first he tried to blame CV-19 on China, now it's the WHO. At least with China there was some culpability in their silencing of the initial whistleblowers, even if their response after that point was very good. With the WHO though, they haven't done anything blameworthy at all. The fact that the US is struggling to contain this thing is a consequence of the decisions of the US administration.

Harry Truman used to have a sign on his desk, saying 'the buck stops here'. Trump doesn't.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Would be great if true, but I can almost guarantee that it is a sham.  Part of the WWF show which Trump excels at, and his hoard of dead-enders will eat it up.

If Trump did cut the funding it would be on paper only, and then the paper would show the Bill Gates is the top contributor to the W.H.O..  Even being the 2nd biggest contributor was enough to get 'his man' into the top position.  And Mr. (not Dr.) Tedros Adhanom has proven satisfactory in getting the scamdemic underway.  Time will tell if Tedros has what it takes to get everyone on earth (except the ultra-wealthy) their gene-modifying RNA vaccines and bio-metric tagging which seems to be Bill Gates' primary interest.

I do sense that the W.H.O. itself seems to be becoming damaged goods as the truth behind the balognavirus drips out.  Jewtube no longer spams every vid with links to W.H.O.'s website.

Activity: 2576
Merit: 1860
Although it has yet to be determined whether Trump alone can do that, the threat could actually result to WHO losing more than $400 million per year, and in the middle of a global war against a highly contagious virus. The US is the largest donor of the world's leading health organization which works to improve global health. The loss of such huge funding could also mean the deprivation of much needed health programs and initiatives of the world's most vulnerable community and people.

Under fire from the US president, WHO is said to be a terrible failure in its advisories' timing and its early assessment of COVID-19. The organization is also accused of being China's accessory in hiding the real situation early on, which partly caused the seemingly uncontrollable spread of the virus right now.

Or is this just Trump's way of finger pointing in the face of his own administration's apparent failure to contain the spread of the virus?

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