The second number is the number of people who have given you negative trust.
The third number is the number of people who have given you positive trust.
If the last rating is your first negative rating then the highest score you can have is three question marks. The number of negative ratings you have, to the power of two is the number of trust points that are removed from your trust score (so if you have two negative ratings then 22 trust points are subtracted from your trust score, and if you have four negative trust ratings then you have 24 trust points removed from your trust score). If you have more unique positive trust ratings then the number of negative trust points that your negative trust removes, then your trust score is the number of unique positive trust ratings since your first negative rating minus the number of negative trust ratings.
I believe the above accurately explains it, however the code is below:
if there are no negative ratings
score = 0
for each rating, oldest to newest
if this rater has already been counted
score += min(10, round_up(months since rating))
score = unique_positive - 2^(unique_negative)
if score >= 0
start_time = time of first negative
score = unique_positive since start_time - unique_negative since start_time
if(score < 0)
return ??? (orange)
move score to range [-9999,9999]
return score
This algorithm is