I am thrilled to introduce and update you all about my personal favorite gold mining company, TRXgold! This company, created by the visionary James Sinclair aka Mr.Gold and currently led by CEO Stephan Mullowney, is in my honest opinion one of the most
undervalued gold companies in the gold mining industry.
You can see their latest company updates directly at their official website at
www.trxgold.com. You can also join the TRXgold community on Facebook at facebook.com/TRXGoldCorp or follow their updates on Twitter at twitter.com/TRXGoldCorp.
Here their latest update about the great bulk sampling results. Check it out here:
Let's dive into some exciting details about this amazing company. TRXgold transitioned from being a gold explorer to a gold mining company in 2022. Currently, they are producing 20,000 to 25,000 ounces of gold.No debt.
Their future looks even brighter, with projections to reach around 40,000 to 50,000 ounces starting from 2024 at an average cost of $850 per ounce.
What makes TRXgold even more remarkable is now their financial stability being cash flow positive. They have managed to stay debt-free, setting them apart from many other players in the industry. Additionally, their ongoing drilling activities have been yielding incredibly exciting results which indicates at least a doubling
of the gold reserves.
So, if you're passionate about gold, TRXgold is worth to have a look at.
I will keep updating this thread should there more great news come out.
#TRXgold #GoldMining