2. The public key: 04de... 130 characters long in total
3. The passphrase I used as a first password: @2... This is a personal password 18 characters long in total
4. The second password which was hidden under a hologram on a physical Bitcoin coin: ELG... 30 characters long in total
Private keys were not given to me.
You can try to follow the "watch-only" part in my instructions above to check if you can restore the correct address and if you have a synced (not pruned) Bitcoin Core, you can scan for transactions (balance).
You may try it multiple times depending on the number of public keys you have.
Based from your feedback, you might have two; (1) your uncompressed public key and (2) the public key from the "physical bitcoin coin" (Casascius S2) which should be available somewhere
since you can't create a MultiSig address associated with that coin without it.
If not available, calculate its private key first using any reputable brainwallet tool that can be used offline, then its pair public key using any compatible offline private key tool.
This fork of original Brainwalet can do both, but you must only use it on an Air-Gap machine: https://github.com/brainwalletX/brainwalletX.github.io
E.g.: For two pubKeys, try a sh(sortedmulti(2,
Or try different arrangements of the public keys with sh(multi(2,