
Topic: Turkey - Turkish direction, or is it a terrible word – Pan-Turkism (Read 418 times)

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Alik Bakhshi

Turkey - Turkish direction, or is it a terrible word – Pan-Turkism

Perhaps more than any First World War affected the two states: the defunct Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire lost all its colonies in Europe, including Ukraine, although in the short term. In both empires fell monarchical power. People of the two empires still had years of hard trials until 1923.
Since the end of World War I to the Turkish people turned into a war for independence, the nation had to lay despair effort to defend its territory of Turkey on the intention of the Franco-Italian-Greek and Armenian nationalist coalition to divide the country by sector. It should be noted that, despite the very difficult state of war, Turkey had the strength to help the Azerbaijani Turks to suppress the rebellion of Armenians massacred unarmed local population in Baku and other cities of Azerbaijan. How often in history, in a tragic moment for the country people put forward an outstanding personality, a leader who rallied around him and led his people to victory. So the leader of the Turks was Mustafa Kamal. In a sign of deep gratitude to the people gave him the name Atatürk. The greatness of this man in the history of the world so much that he was named "Man of the 20th century." Mustafa Kamal proved himself a talented military leader in the bloody battle of the First World War, when the Anglo-French forces numbering 610,000 landed at Gallipoli in order to capture Istanbul - a city at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, a strategic location which is invaluable, the city that never and nobody undertook, in contrast to the capitals of other states with the same time as the Turks captured Constantinople. They were opposed by 450,000 Turks who have shown heroism and courage of despair rising living wall on a narrow strip of the peninsula. Mustafa Kemal led the defense uttered the famous phrase "I am not ordering you to win, I am ordering you to die," and 74,635 Turkish soldiers carried out the order, having gained the victory in this battle. Perhaps the earth is no more sorrowful place here have passed away more than half a million soldiers. The British Empire lost in Gallipoli 490,000 killed, wounded, missing, and France 80,000. Turks honors all the dead, breaking a memorial park on the site of a fierce battle in memory of military courage and bravery, and, I would say, in posterity of the great human folly - war. Ataturk's greatness was evident in the fact that he saw no difference in nationality soldiers buried here. At the opening of the monument to British soldiers, he said: "After they gave their lives on this land, they probably are, and our sons."

Due to the high prestige among the people, and boundless faith in him as the savior of the nation, Mustafa Kemal managed to lay the social foundations of the Turkey that we know today. Turkish people accepted all progressive reforms conceived by Ataturk, the country has moved to a democratic form of government, and made a bold step for the Muslim East - legally separate religion from the state and equal the civil rights of men and women. Turkey has since become the only true democracy in the Middle East ahead of Israel, whose claim to this role are groundless, because, first, in Israel, religion is not separated from the state and the laws of Halacha are part of Israeli law, secondly, Israel Apartheid is a country that in no way inconsistent with the principles of democracy.

In Russia, after a bloody civil war to totalitarian Bolshevik commissars, with the usual aggressive nature of totalitarianism, with the entry of the world club of the world socialist revolution. First attempt of an overall strategic plan to restore the pre-war borders of the empire by force to return to the bosom of Poland Russia ended in the defeat of the Red Army before Warsaw Tukhachevsky, and until World War II, Russia zalizovala wound vigorously preparing for revenge.

I foresee quite a fair confusion, and here in Russia, in the case of Turkey. The fact is that the history of the two countries, is the story of centuries of military confrontation, nor with any other country Russia did not fight as much as with Turkey. Russia's goal was to capture Istanbul, seize this important geo-strategic locations around the world, opening the way for further expansion of the empire. In Turkey, the famous saying: "If the water can sometimes stop, Russia never stop." Sometimes in opposition to Britain and France intervened (the Crimean War of 1853-1856) to stop Russia.

By the end of the 30s, Germany, which as well as Russia was preparing for revenge, has accumulated enough military capacity to start active operations. In order to revise the results of World War I, Russia and Germany entered into between the sinister alliance of non-aggression, in advance will be shared by Europe. Attack on Poland, the first Russian to remember the lessons given to them by the Poles, hesitated, giving the initiative to the Germans, and for political reasons, to not prematurely cause anger in Britain and France, who were unaware declare a war on Germany, which Ribbentrop treaty Molotov-Russia but part of Poland, received the tacit approval of the annexation of Germany Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
Britain and France angry aggressive actions of Moscow, nothing could be done, for they were engaged in war with Germany, which was a sort of shield to punish Russia over its former colonies, occurred vzbuntavatsya. True to Finland received an affront. Finns defended their homeland, the whole nation (of a 3.65 million), including women, came to the defence of the Russian invaders. The Red Army, despite the stupendous superiority on all counts, has not fulfilled its task left in the deep snow of the Karelian Isthmus 2300 tanks, 1000 aircraft and one million Red Army soldiers. And today, thanks to the feat of the Finnish people in those early years of the 40th, we know Finland as the most well-organized country.

In terms of countries affected by the Russian aggression was to enter and Turkey, which are similar as a blueprint, the message of the Finns, Moscow issued an ultimatum tried to impose a mutual assistance agreement, including the requirement to establish a naval base on the Bosphorus. Turkey as well as Finland rejected so brazen proposal, which caused strong dissatisfaction with Moscow ( and inevitably subjected to attack, however, Moscow's plans went awry; suddenly all the power of Stalin, Hitler Germany attacked the Soviet Union. Predators grappled with each other in mortal combat, and Russia was no longer up to the war with Turkey. Cherished dream of Russian master Bosphorus remained a dream. If Germany and Russia have remained true to non-aggression pact, it is likely, the map of the world today would be different.
Due to the political naivety of Americans pointed to by Winston Churchill, the Soviet Union after the war secured the all former colonies, except Finland and Poland (part finnskih and Polish land still was annexed by Moscow), and even got Prussia, South Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands, and America was the Cold War.

After World War II, Turkey hastily concluded with the United States agreement on mutual assistance in case of attack by a third country, and became a member of NATO, obezapasiv that way from any possible future aggressive encroachments of Russia. Later, CENTO block was created, consisting of Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, which was the same as impregnable to Russia and NATO because of participation in the Turkey. Block collapsed after coming to power in Iran, religious obscurantism. Turkey currently has the most numerous army among the European members of the unit and covers the south-eastern flank of NATO. For years, exhausting the Cold War led to the collapse of the communist ideology. The partial collapse of the Russian Empire, the geopolitical situation in the world has changed, the new states were formed in Europe, the Caucasus and central Asia, and one of the important aspects in the field of geopolitics, is the fact that five of the newly independent countries are Turkic.
Here I want to be clear on some confusion in the Russian language in relation to the inaccurate reflection of the word "Turkish" and "Turk." These words are a Turkic (Turkish) language phonetically sound the same. To say that in Azerbaijan say the Azerbaijani language, and, for example, in Turkmenistan, the Turkmen, it is still something to say in Australia Australians speak Australian English, and in America in the U.S. When the Russian came to the Caucasus, the local population in Azerbaijan they called Caucasian Tatars precisely because of the fact that both in Azerbaijan and Tatarstan speak a Turkic (Turkish) language. Of course, because of the extent of the territory of Turks living and political fragmentation, language has several dialects, which is inevitable. However, there are examples and the relatively small area has several dialects of the language, such as in England.

The Soviet empire tried hard to divide Turks, creating artificial distinctions. For example, in Central Asia, Russian Turkistan created from several states, which never happened. It should be noted that part of Turkistan (East Turkestan) is located in China, with the centre in Kashgar, which is the cultural and administrative value not inferior to Bukhara. Recently, with the growth of national consciousness of Turks, the Chinese have a serious problem on a national basis. As a result, the Russian conquest in the Caucasus was also split and Azerbaijan - most of it is in Iran, and the Russian territory from Azerbaijan ottorgnuli Derbend Khanate - Dagestan (from Turkic - "Land of Mountains"), entering it into the Russian Federation. Serious damage inflicted Russian Turks in culture, changing the Cyrillic alphabet on that in a moment made them bezgrammotnymi and devoid of cultural heritage. Imagine that Russia banned Cyrillic and Chinese characters introduced, yet it is similar happened with the Turks, who get into the Russian Empire. School programs did not include the study of Oriental literature, only Pushkin and other Russian poets and writers offered the Turks to the compulsory study. Mounds poetry Nizami, Omar Khayyam, Saadi, Emre was buried frozen railway embankment "Soviet Masterpiece" literature "How the Steel Was Tempered" cold heartlessness depriving several generations of Soviet Turkic their poetry. What to say, textbooks vyssshih schools in general were only in Russian. Now freed from the Russian empire new Turkic countries will not only return to their cultural heritage, but also to integrate into the world economy in order to ensure a successful living.

Of all the Turkic countries Turkey is the most forward position in the whole vast area from Turkey to Angara Angara in Siberia (two like rivers) history gives Turkey the lead in concatenating Turks. It does not matter, call the idea of association or the creation of pan-Turkism Union similar to the EU, or the type of the British Commonwealth of Nations, but in this direction is the vector of political and economic activity in Turkey as the most promising, it is preferable to wait many years before the closed door of the EU. Europe certainly has the right to decide for itself have Turkey in the EU or not, but the fact that Turkish corridor would provide the conditions for the EU easier penetration of markets and hydrocarbon materials in the Caspian region and Central Asia, bypassing Russia is interested too, no doubt.

Turkey in the Middle East until recently was the only strategic partner - Israel, but Israel's policy, increasingly causing rejection by the international community, put Turkey in a problematic situation. This makes clear the various initiatives that aim somehow contribute to the solution of the Arab-Israeli conflict, in particular Turkey's offer to mediate in negotiations between Israel and Syria. Turkey condemned the operation "Cast Lead", meaning that an aggressive Israeli policy is defective also reflected on Turkey's position as a leading country in the region.
Against the background of growing humanitarian organizations fighting for the rights of the Palestinians, and especially after the pirate attack Israeli commandos on the flotilla «Free Gaza» and killing nine Turkish citizens continue strategic cooperation with such recalcitrant allies such as Israel, Turkey's lost all meaning. Remain politically inactive in modern, dynamic time to doom itself with Israel in political isolation, and if Israel has a strong political and economic support to America because there the Jewish Diaspora, that Turkey has such support. Moreover, in America, growing force in Congress gets the Armenian lobby, which, following in the footsteps of the Jewish lobby and using the well-known political naivety of the Americans and the power of America as a super power, will make every effort for the realization of the extreme nationalist ideology of the party, "ARF", which provides the creation of "Great Armenia". "Armenia from sea to sea" - the slogan of the Armenian Nazis. Nazis because this ideology involves first ethnically clean territory, under the "Great Armenia", or a similar idea is not feasible. Part of the idea is implemented, the Turks captured completely expelled from Karabakh and Armenia. Remained ethnically cleanse Azerbaijan, part of Georgia, part of Iran, eastern Turkey up to the Mediterranean Sea. Further, perhaps under the territory of "Greater Armenia" is planned and part of Lebanon, the North Caucasus with Sochi, ie wherever Armenians created concentrated. Incidentally, the first attempt to create an ethnically pure territory was made in Turkey during World War I, when the Armenians, having received from the Russian arms were cut Turkic population in anticipation of the planned offensive of the Russian army. And now, the spontaneous reaction of anti-Turks, which killed many yarmyan, Armenians are trying to pass off as a specially splaniruemy authorities genocide, which Turkey, as opposed to the genocide of Jews organized by the Nazis in Germany, was not yet in sight. Absurd propaganda Dashnak ideology drove the Armenians on the line in the middle of a war between the two empires to extermination by local people to build a chimeric state resulted in a tragedy, both for the Turks and for the Armenians themselves. However Dashnaks, failing to have left the criminal venture and now with the help of the Armenian diaspora in the United States are trying to impose on the American people another an alien task. It seems that in America, a trend, to impose national communities - to solve the problem of the outcome by the American taxpayer and American soldiers. So, hypothetically, with Turkey may well be a situation similar to the Palestinians.
It should be noted that the gap between Turkey and Israel is well ahead of the awakening of the Arab nation, and this is the name occurring in the Arab revolt against the dictatorial and monarchical regimes, with the disappearance of which opens the way to the unification of the Arab people, which greatly complicate the situation in Israel, and for failing to over 60 years of peace with the Arabs. It can be said that Israel's policy unwittingly helped Turkey to protect themselves from Arab areas. Turkey is the leading regional country and she did not care about the future of the Arab attitude, especially on the background, I would say, fermentation of the Arab nation, which is not small people, especially people with a rich history, both in science and in culture.

The current geopolitical situation leaves Turkey no other acceptable way to not remain in splendid isolation, as special efforts to integrate with the newly independent Turkic states on Russia. The idea of Pan-Turkism is not new, but it was after the collapse of the Soviet Union it has gained solid ground, right in the consolidation of the Turks are serious opponents:
- Above all Russia, which in the vast area of the basin of the Volga (RT) to the Arctic Ocean (Yakutia-Soha) the indigenous Turkic population. Russian Pan-Turkism was presented as harmful bourgeois-nationalist ideology, and the word "pan-Turkism" in the USSR was associated with something incomprehensible terribly scary.
- China, East Turkestan (the capital city of Kashgar), where the Uighur Turks has long fought for the independence of the Chinese, and only with the help of the Soviet Union in 1937, a popular uprising was suppressed. It should be noted that only in 1943 the Chinese managed to finally formally establish itself in Kashgar.

- Iran, South Azerbaijan, where Azerbaijanis live more than in Northern Azerbaijan.
- Armenia, Karabakh has occupied with the support of Moscow and is the only military ally of Russia in the Caucasus.

Turkish opponents of consolidation combined and purely economic motives, namely the huge oil and gas reserves of the Caspian Basin and Central Asia, the implementation of which will compete with Russia and Iran. Moscow and Tehran have encroached on the rights of the Turks on the extraction of oil from the sea floor, sometimes raising the status of the Caspian Sea. The last Russian military aggression in Georgia had a target to block the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline, and "Nabucco" at all perceived by Moscow as a special direction to podarvat Russian economy. Actually, to be honest, full implementation of the ideology of Pan-Turkism - this is the end of the Russian empire, and it is not only the territorial losses, but also deprives Russia of a single source of income. Russian so used to living without creating anything, robbing other minerals, that being without the Urals and Siberia, that is within the property of Russia (Muscovy), they are not, finally, have to learn to work with, and something to make ourselves, of course under the direction of the Vikings, otherwise, nothing good will happen.
But the main reason that prevents konsolodatsii Turks, as always, is in them, - is a constant rivalry and internecine struggle, combined with clan-based power. With none other Turks are no longer at war, both with each other, if you remember the war with Timur Tokhtamysh, Bayezid and with many small Khans vzaimounichtozhitelnuyu war ac-goyunlu with Gar-goyunlu in Azerbaijan. At present, the reason being in power of authoritarian regimes (clan character) in all the former Russian Turkic countries, dictators who cling to power, sometimes sacrificing the independence of the country, as happened with Uzbekistan ("Scary fee roof of pink revolutions », # post-alikbahshi-3149), the complete unification of the question can not be. But the community, the type of "Commonwealth of Nations" in the first phase of consolidation, it is possible. With the imminent arrival of democracy community grow into an alliance like the EU. Union closer, because in this case consists of the states of one nation. Merit repetition merging the Swiss version. In short, it is in this direction Turkey is the leading country of Turks, should take the initiative.

Certainly opponents Turkism again literally scream about the invasion of Islam, the revival of the Caliphate, which can be attributed to a deliberate slander. But, first, in all Turkic countries, religion is separated from the state, and secondly, the caliphate is the Arabic education and to the Turks is relevant only in the fact that the Turks themselves fought against the Arab Caliphate, if you remember the national-liberation uprising led by Babak, and the Seljuk Turks and Timur finally sent Bagdati caliphate in history. And most importantly, for interested parties of international terrorism, Islam as a religion of terrorism today is irrelevant. The modern international terrorism, a phenomenon of our time and is not from the past. Not a correlation between the emergence of Islam as a religious ideology and terrorism as a phenomenon. Yes, terrorism is associated with some countries, whose people practice Islam, but the causes of terror are entirely different plane. In addition, deliberate on the part of interested parties or failed search for roots of terror in religion poses a great threat to the world community and opens a Pandora's box from which you will start to spread around the world hate religious fanaticism, which can actually lead to a clash of civilizations (see "International terrorism and its interested parties »

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