Hello everyone!
We would like to inform You that we have started a twitter promotion service,
www.CryptoPromotions.com You can promote your services, games (we promote gambling as well), applications, legal adult content and much more.
We are here to help You promote your stuff to -
related- people.
People who follow us are: Players who like crypto-related games, Forex traders, cryptocurrency traders, miners, pool owners, exchange owners, faucet users, and many more.
We target almost every niche which has to do with cryptocurrencies, blockchain and FinTech.
Geolocation is general. Bigger % is from the US, then EU, Asia.
We own a twitter account with more than 18k followers (at this moment as we type this)
Our followers are organic followers. We used our twitter account (
www.twitter.com/CryptoPromote) for many crypto projects in the past 2.5+ years.
We used to run crypto related forums, blogs and other services, which were targeting crypto-related individuals.
Regarding lack of tweets, we deleted all tweets when we started this project, through this app:
http://www.tweetdelete.net/ Now we have decided to make a promotion service in order to help people get more exposure on twitter.
As most of You know, twitter is the most powerful social media tool and helps You get noticed much quicker, than any other social media platform.
Especially if you target
a specific niche 
Please be aware that we are a marketing/promotion service. Same as television (TV). The more times you see an advertisement on television, the more you will become familiar with it.
Some of our followers are:
http://prntscr.com/8tomwa BitKonan:
http://prntscr.com/8tookc |
http://prntscr.com/8tou7v -
http://prntscr.com/8touhp -
https://i.imgur.com/yDnwrIx.pngAdam Guerbuez:
https://i.imgur.com/1yBmt42.png (Man who was sued by fb for millions. Marketeer)
Guess that's enough for now.
We are always in search for more crypto-related followers.
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Pricing (
You can pick ANY time of the day/night to send Your tweet. Tweets are sent/retweeted automatically. Prices are based on monthly base.)
- Package #1 - BTC0.1- 1 tweet from our main account per day. (30 days)
- Package #2 - BTC0.2 - 2 tweets from our main account per day. (30 days)
- Package #3 - BTC0.28 - 3 tweets from our main account per day (30 days)
- Package #4 - BTC0.36 - 4 tweets from our main account per day (30 days)
- Package #4 - BTC0.44 - 5 tweets from our main account per day (30 days)
- Pinned tweet per month: BTC0.1 (Huge impression count)[/b]
- BTC0.1 Ad spot on a cryptocurrency forum, which currently has ~400 members and it's growing constantly.[/b]
Please keep in mind, tweets, not re-tweets. We have different prices for re-tweets (of your account)
If You need something different, please let us know. We can do custom promotion package, we are not limiting our services.
Please respect the fact that we run a
service, as You do.
All payments are upfront. We do not accept payment in referral commission(s).
We wont promote your site with a referral code, even if You allow it.
We wont promote any signatures on any forums/websites.
Thanks for Your understanding.
If You have any questions regarding our services, or if You would like to advertise Your project(s), please contact us, 24/7:
Here, via private message or
Mail us! @ CryptoPromote(at)gmail(dot)com (Best if You can e-mail us!)
Or via twitter:
www.twitter.com/CryptoPromotewww.CryptoPromotions.com_______________________________________________________________________________ __________
*Your tweet:
**What time would You like us to send out your tweet(s):
***Do You have an image you would like us to add to the tweet?:
( * = Make sure it's 142 characters long. Twitter wont allow more than 142 characters per tweet! - ** Our timezone is EST! - *** Make sure You give us an image. PROS: this will help You get more visitors on your website! CONS: 116 characters per tweet)
Client List:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j3z_xQ47i04gvQeGk0gtWccsPdh8gqYp_l7yoD4358w/edit#gid=0_______________________________________________________________________________