I am the creator of
https://twitterwatcher.com a tool for you to observe the mood swings on #TRX
What my tool does in detail:
> It observes a tweeter tag - #TRX in this case
> It performs a numerical and sentimental analysis on the tweets and stores it into a DB
> it collects the data from Binance about the price and transactions
> it provides all these data together into a visible form
How it does it?
> Google cloud, GO, eCharts and jQuery
Should you take a look?
Why not!
It is there, it is free, and I am open to your comments and suggestions!
I wrote an introduction piece for it as well:
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/twitterwatcher-introduction-lukasz-wedel/ Let me know how you like it and what more I should add there.