My response is embedded and I don't know if you'll see it:
YOUR CLARIFICATIONS are appreciated. While we are on the topic of Tor ports being routed automatically versus the clearnet instance of BTC Core, I need to ask you about a problem! Now that I am running in DAO Full Node I am seeing > 10 outbound peers. BUT I receive an error messge that says that my environment is blocking Tor inbound. How do I enable Tor inbound? The error message mentioned VM as a possiblility but I'm not running a VM. I have checked bisq documentation and I cannot find details on this item.
[3] Below the other hidden service, add this info for Lightning.
HiddenServiceVersion 3
HiddenServicePort 9735
[4] Then restart Tor and retrieve the new v3 Tor hostname for your Lightning installation. Copy it somewhere so you have it handy in step 7.
sudo cat /var/lib/tor/lightningd_hidden_service/hostname
[5] Log into bitcoin user and download + build Lightning. v0.10.1 needs to be set to the latest version.
git clone
cd lightning
git checkout v0.10.2
make -j $(nproc)
[6] Create Lightning config.
nano /home/bitcoin/.lightning/bitcoin/lightningd.conf
[7] Enter the following. Alias can be chosen at will! Replace onion_address_you_got with the hidden service hostname you got in step 4!
# incoming via tor
# outgoing via tor
Something similar should be possible for Bitcoin Core as well, but I haven't yet tried it.