Is that TPS result is based on there test net or the Mainnet? That TPS result is too good to be true considering how top blockchain struggle to crunch the number during the actual load of there blockchain. I heard Graphene before but they are not having the spotlight from the crypto community due to tough competition. If they can maintain that huge number while undergoing on actual heavy loads transaction just txs on ETH and BSC then they indeed have a bright future.
These are just claims and projections they have to prove themselves that they can come out with something that is better than Ethereum, ADA, and Polkadot they are in the process of launching their mainnet and Graphene just created instructions on how to receive the airdrops from those who hold Phore on the time of snapshots.
They are now on Pancakeswap but do your diligent research I don't recommend buying without you asking the developers about the project.
I still have doubt until I see the mainnet