1. Fan speed script
I was trying to find a link to this script (not mine) but can't anymore. Since the header has all the author's info, and GPL2, I'll just post that here. He did a nice job with it imho. But as always, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Farming out fan speed and GPU clock settings to another app can be very, very risky.
----- snip -----
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# 2008 by Bernhard M. Wiedemann
# Licensed under GNU GPL v2 or later
use strict;
# those below default settings mean:
# spin fan at 100% at 80+ C
# spin fan at 8% at 48- C
my %options=qw(hightemp 80 lowtemp 48 highfan 100 lowfan 8 updateinterval 10 debug 0);
sub diag($)
{ print(@_,"\n") if $options{debug} }
sub setfan($)
system("aticonfig", "--pplib-cmd", "set fanspeed 0 $percent");
sub mydie($)
print (caller(),@_);
exit 1;
sub gettemp()
$_=`aticonfig --adapter=0 --od-gettemperature`;
if(m/Sensor 0: Temperature - (\d+\.\d+) C/) {
} else {mydie "bad temp read: $_"}
return $1
$SIG{INT}=$SIG{TERM}=sub{setfan($options{highfan}) ; exit 2;};
open(STDIN, "if(!$options{debug}) {
open(STDOUT, ">/dev/null");
open(STDERR, ">/dev/null");
if(fork()>0) {exit 0} # background
if(fork()>0) {exit 0} # background
my $trange=$options{hightemp}-$options{lowtemp};
my $frange=$options{highfan}-$options{lowfan};
while(1) {
my $t=gettemp();
my $x=($t-$options{lowtemp})/$trange; # number between 0 and 1
if($x<0) {$x=0}
if($x>1) {$x=1}
my $fan=int($x*$frange+$options{lowfan});
diag "temp at $t";
diag "setting fan to $fan";
sleep $options{updateinterval};